
The chainpoint.org public website

Primary LanguageVue

Chainpoint.org Chainpoint.org Website

code style: prettier


Clone the repo and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/chainpoint/chainpoint-org.git && cd chainpoint-org

Install dependencies

yarn install

Then you can run it by:

yarn dev

If you plan on deploying your changes, create and switch to a bugfix or feature branch

git checkout -b feature/<cool-descriptive-branch-name>

Build and Deploy

The website is hosted on Netlify and all updates to the master branch are deployed to the live site immediately. For that reason, we NEVER push directly to the master branch.

First, test the build locally by running

yarn build && yarn start

If it all looks good, push your local feature or bugfix branch to github (never to master) and open a pull request against master. This will create a Deploy Preview on Netlify that the team will deploy when ready.