
A Docker image for the roughenough Roughtime implementation used to host roughtime.chainpoint.org:2002

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An experimental Dockerfile to create a Roughtime server image using the int08h/roughenough Rust implementation of the Roughtime client and server.

It is suggested that you only run this server on a host that is properly synced via NTP sources such as Google Public NTP that properly handle leap-time smearing.


You must have a recent version of Docker and docker-compose installed.


Copy the roughenough.cfg.sample sample configuration to roughenough.cfg. You must replace the seed value in this file with your own 32 byte (64 Hex character) Hex secret value. This value is used to derive your private keys and should be carefully protected.

You can generate a suitable Random hex value with openssl rand -hex 32

Run and Verify a Server Locally

After creating your own roughenough.cfg file you can start the server locally:

In a terminal, run the server locally.

$ docker-compose up --build

In another terminal Identify the Container ID

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
33ad742cac21        gcr.io/chainpoint-registry/github-chainpoint-chainpoint-roughtime:latest   "gosu roughenough:ro…"   37 minutes ago      Up 2 seconds>2002/udp   chainpoint-roughtime

Run the client against the local server (you'll need to provide your server's unique Container ID not the one shown here)

$ docker exec -it 33ad742cac21 roughenough-client 2002

Requesting time from: "":2002
Received time from server: midpoint="Sep 23 2018 05:26:57", radius=1000000 (merkle_index=0, verified=false)

Run a roughenough Client

This Docker image also includes the Roughenough client. You can use it to retrieve and verify a timestamp from any Roughtime server.

You can find a description of additional Roughtime hosts in the ecosystem.md file and a JSON representation of the list in ecosystem.json. A few prominent servers are provided with client examples below.

Roughtime Servers

You are advised to run the latest version of the Docker image. You can ensure you have the latest by running:

docker pull gcr.io/chainpoint-registry/github-chainpoint-chainpoint-roughtime:latest


The chainpoint.org roughtime servers run on the Google Compute Platform behind a UDP load balancer and rely on Google's internal leap-smeared NTP time service for accuracy.

The roughtime.chainpoint.org long term public key is:

hex :


This conversion tool can be convenient for Hex/Base64 conversion for clients that expect the public key in one form or the other.

The long-term public key can also be discovered through a DNS TXT record:

$ dig -t txt roughtime.chainpoint.org

roughtime.chainpoint.org. 300	IN	TXT	"6db4fe44f4bbcca5fac3bd6cb0f89bce6c16a94f5f7d1579a23d8eadeb129a11"

A timestamp can be retrieved using the pre-built client from our public Docker image:

$ docker run -it --rm gcr.io/chainpoint-registry/github-chainpoint-chainpoint-roughtime:latest roughenough-client roughtime.chainpoint.org 2002 -p 6db4fe44f4bbcca5fac3bd6cb0f89bce6c16a94f5f7d1579a23d8eadeb129a11

Requesting time from: "roughtime.chainpoint.org":2002
Received time from server: midpoint="Sep 23 2018 04:47:46", radius=1000000 (merkle_index=0, verified=true)

Other Roughtime Servers

You can use the client in this docker image to get a timestamp from any of them using the following command, substituting the HOST and PUBLIC-KEY:

$ docker run -it --rm gcr.io/chainpoint-registry/github-chainpoint-chainpoint-roughtime:latest roughenough-client <HOST> 2002 -p <PUBLIC-KEY>


$ docker run -it --rm gcr.io/chainpoint-registry/github-chainpoint-chainpoint-roughtime:latest roughenough-client roughtime.cloudflare.com 2002 -p 803eb78528f749c4bec2e39e1abb9b5e5ab7e4dd5ce4b6f2fd2f93ecc3538f1a


$ docker run -it --rm gcr.io/chainpoint-registry/github-chainpoint-chainpoint-roughtime:latest roughenough-client roughtime.sandbox.google.com 2002 -p 7ad3da688c5c04c635a14786a70bcf30224cc25455371bf9d4a2bfb64b682534


$ docker run -it --rm gcr.io/chainpoint-registry/github-chainpoint-chainpoint-roughtime:latest roughenough-client roughtime.int08h.com 2002 -p 016e6e0284d24c37c6e4d7d8d5b4e1d3c1949ceaa545bf875616c9dce0c9bec1