CS224W Project: Can GNNs learn rigid body dynamics?

Chaitanya Patel, Preey Shah, Shreya Gupta

Run a demo inference

python run_eval.py --config configs/invarnet_movi.yaml --exp_path ./data/run_1 --model-ckpt_path last_ckpt --eval-viz True


python run_pl_training.py --config configs/invarnet_movi.yaml --exp_path ./data/test

This will train on dummy dataset that comes with this repo. Edit config file to train according to your preferences.


  • Create a new python environment.
  • Install pytorch (any version that's not super old) with appropriate cuda version (A100 GPUs require some specific setup).
  • pip install torch-scatter (follow instruction on pyg installation site)
  • pip install torch_geometric (follow instruction on pyg installation site)
  • pip install pytorch_lightening pyyaml h5py matplotlib opencv-python tensorboardX termcolor pytorch3d pyrender

Basic Explanation of the Code

  • data directory has dummy kubric dataset with 2 train and 2 validation sequences. It also has a trained model in run_1 directory.
  • dataset module has dataset loading and graph creation utilities.
    • movi_dataset.py has code to download, post-process movi dataset. It also has a dataloader to load basic sequence data. data_utils.py has corresponding helper utilities.
    • particle_graph.py has a helper class to add particles and create nodes/edges with their features. paritcle_data_utils.py has helpful utility functions for it.
  • model directory has code for GNN message passing.
  • train/invarnet_module.py has PytorchLightening module for our model. It incapsulates all functionalities of our model. It implements trainig step, validation step, rollout and corresponding metric evaluation.