
Experiment in using GraphQL on top of CouchDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo contains an example of using GraphQL with CouchDB, for the purposes of testing next generation data fetching within our apps, especially ESDB.

Database setup

  1. Install CouchDB. It is a simple install for the mac. Once installed start it up.
  2. Start Futon, the GUI front end of CouchDB. This is done by navigating to:
  3. Make an "esdb" database within Futon
  4. Install babel-node npm install --global babel
  5. Run the input script to import some contacts from ESDB into CouchDB babel-node import.js. Check the data in Futon to see if it imported correctly.
  6. Upload our database views: curl -X PUT --data-binary @couchdb/design.json NOTE: If you want to update the views, you will need to add a _rev property to the couchdb/design.json file to specify the current version. You can find the current version in Futon.

Running the GraphQL server

Now that the database is setup, run the GraphQL server by running:

babel-node index.js

Then navigate to the GraphiQL web client at: http://localhost:8080/graphql

Example query

query ESDB {
  contact(id: "contact-982") {
    location {