

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Recipe App

Some details was structured and published on Medium:

Table of Contents

Updating to New Releases

Release 2 - Authentication

  • Facebook login button first version
  • Auth with tokens can be handled with help of our Recipe API.

Release 3 - Payments

  • Connect Paddle.js, enable recurring payments.
  • In-app purchases
  • Enable Recurly is a next priority thing

Recipe App React Native

[Expo Link] (http://google.com/)

App Overview

  • Data can be stored as JSON or call server from option#3
  • For UI we will use some creative and free ui template — react based

Basic functionality:

  • Screen with recipes list
  • Recipe details
  • Basic grocery list
  • Login screen.

[comment]: <> Shopmate keeps track of items for a grocery shopping list. Each added item is displayed in the main user page. If items are favorited, they will be displayed under the favorites page. [comment]: <> Items displayed on users board, can be clicked to open a show page for more information or be edited if necessary. [comment]: <> This application features authentication of a user after registration and login. User will only see the navigation bar if currently in session.

Build with

  • React Native

Wireframes from Ionic app development

[comment]: <> [Wireframe File] (https://google.com)

styled recipe screen

styled recipe screen

recipe calendar

recipe calendar

grocery list settings

grocery list settings



Styled recipe screen

Styled recipe screen

styled recipe

styled recipe



weekly menu

weekly menu



single recipe

single recipe

Dry Goods ingredient category example

Dry Goods ingredient category example

single recipe

single recipe

free recipe list

free recipe list



recipe screen

recipe screen

grocery list

grocery list





User Stories

User can:

  • Create an account
  • Successfully login
  • Add items to the shopping list
  • Edit items previously created
  • Delete items from grocery list
  • Mark items as purchased
  • Mark items as favorites
  • View all favorite items in one page
  • Click on item to get more information about item
  • User can logout

Unsolved Features (during process)

Stretch Goals (wish list)

  • A view of commonly purchased items
  • An option where user could mark as purchased multiple items
  • An option where user can add items to grocery list from favorited or commonly purchased items
  • Create a family option where family members can contribute to the list
  • Use API to get detailed data for grocery items

Models Used


Art used: