a script that will use powerapi/hwpc-sensor
to gather the average power into the machine , and substruct it from the programs global energy conusmption
install perf
sudo apt install linux-tools-common gawk
install the required python libraries
with thewatcher.sh
-use the script measure.sh
to measure the enregy of your work
-./measure.sh something
To avoid lack of space in the computer we create a cleaner that will delete the reporting file each day
create the cleaner script and put it in
: the script will contain this instructionecho "" > /tmp/powerapi-sensor-reporting/watcher/rapl
add it the a schedular using the command
crontab -e
for this u need just to add his absolute path to the config file
In order to simulate real production environment we create a script that customise the worload of the cpu
it accepts two parameters
the workload of the cpu , a value from 0-100 : 100 means 100% of the ressource
the number of threads to be used
python workers.py workload threads_counts
the reasult of the script meansure.sh
would be like the following image
- av-system-power (Watts): the average power consumption of the machine before we run our program
- av-program-power (Watts): the average power consumption of the machine during the execution of our program
- system-energy (Joules): the estimated energy of the machine wihtout our program (we calculate it with v-system-power * execution-time )
- program-energy (Joules): the energy consumption of the machine including our program
- program-net-energy (Joules): the net energy that our program consumed during his execution
- energy-cores | energy-gpu | energy-pkg (Joules): the raw measures gathered from perf -this will help to estimate the error of the program-energy since it is just an estimation
- execution-time (seconds): execution time of our program