This is the repository for the course Natural Language Processing at Asian Institute of Technology. Covers word vectors, spaCy, PyTorch, HuggingFace.
Jupyter Notebook
- aal2015
- aimanlameesa
- amanda11233
- anuj-guptaaBangkok, Thailand
- arnajak
- AtiChetsurakul-
- ayushkoiralakathmandu , Nepal
- bhb1988
- chaklam-silpasuwanchai
- chanapapan
- chiral-carbon@Phamily, NYU Courant, @PolymathicAI
- ciarabautista
- creatorof
- Ethan-Mr-Hunt
- haroldpop
- KaungHtetCho-22
- Kyi1914
- minnbanya
- myothiha
- ngothanhtinh
- NirutG
- Nutdanai1221
- ParunNg
- PoohNB
- rambosornSCG Brand (Cambodia)
- sagunrupakhetiThailand
- SakibBinAlam
- salmiakki0512Thailand
- scarredwitch
- SitthiwatDamAIT
- SonuAdhikariCotiviti Inc
- tahmidbintaslim@Marion-s-Kitchen-Group
- Thetang-145
- TonsonP
- TSapna
- zandzand