Pinned issues
- 1
Why does FieldInput allow a Slot? - causing SSR issue
#3157 opened by RomainLanz - 1
- 1
`onPointerDownOutside` not working correctly in shadow DOM, select reopening if clicked on trigger while opened
#3146 opened by ivancuric - 0
- 0
Select - defaultValue Not Setting Initial Value
#3151 opened by JUNNNI - 1
Scroll Restoration in Overflowing Select Menus
#3136 opened by thevipinmishra - 2
Positioner issues when upgrading to 4.5.0
#3149 opened by dcousineau - 2
Switch - Toggle not working with "Enter" key
#2946 opened by thevipinmishra - 3
asChild for Tooltip.Trigger doesn't accept div
#3013 opened by dannylin108 - 2
NumberInput does not consider LocaleProvider's locale
#3133 opened by heikkilae - 2
80 Typescript errors
#3117 opened by rmcsharry - 0
- 2
`Select` component does not have `onInput` event
#3111 opened by Reverier-Xu - 2
Svelte 1.0
#3085 opened by cschroeter - 1
Docs: it's not possible to close search modal
#3109 opened by babakfp - 1
Dialog closed due to selection in internal date picker
#3107 opened by onepercman - 1
Modal prop of Datepicker does not work
#3106 opened by kg-and-digital - 2
- 2
- 1
Unable to select Year when min and max dates are less than 1 year and overlap 2 unique years
#3044 opened by kg-and-digital - 0
Splitter does not admit pixels as size
#3070 opened by EmyDallonses - 1
NumberInput render issue
#3066 opened by rollercodester - 1
Missing event props in Steps component on vue
#3068 opened by enpitsuLin - 1
- 5
Dialog closes when clicking on scroll bar
#2925 opened by Hagendorn - 0
Upgrading to 4.3 causes breaking import error
#3024 opened by BrettBedarf - 1
[Bug][SolidJS] `FileUpload.ItemPreviewImage` does not display preview image
#3023 opened by eyemono-moe - 0
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Checkbox component does not complain with WAI ARIA
#3014 opened by FilipePfluck - 1
Dialog freezes when closed on an inactive Chrome tab
#3002 opened by giero - 1
Frame - Missing client directive in React
#2999 opened by carloitaben - 2
- 0
[Bug]: Field - doesn't respect the "required" attr
#2984 opened by xeinebiu - 0
[Bug]: Select - If number of elements exceeds window height there is no overflow handled
#2982 opened by xeinebiu - 1
- 0
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dialog,select: Keyboard accessibility doesnt work in select inside dialog
#2979 opened by althafdemiandra - 3
[Bug] - Toast dismiss does close drawers [Not-Fixed]
#2974 opened by xeinebiu - 1
Splitter - crash reading from undefined context when one panel is sufficiently small
#2967 opened by Jdyn - 1
#2968 opened by eduardocque - 0
Splitter - crash reading from undefined context when one panel is sufficiently small
#2966 opened by Jdyn - 2
Does not provide an export named 'createListCollection' after update to vue/4.1.0
#2963 opened by maxmckenzie - 3
- 1
Input Field not work
#2944 opened by vincehi - 8
- 2
Combobox pressing enter without selecting an option leaves text in the input
#2930 opened by marcinzarycki - 1
- 3
@ark-ui/vue@4.0.1 isn't compatible with Nuxt 3
#2927 opened by ItsRyanWu - 2
Buggy DatePicker inside of Dialog
#2924 opened by dvlden - 1