- 0
[v3] Invalid redirect for /docs route
#9365 opened by benjammin4dayz - 0
Tabs doesn't work at all
#9364 opened by kupuma-ru21 - 0
useBreakpointValue doesn't look working properly
#9363 opened by kupuma-ru21 - 0
Add a copy to clipboard opton
#9350 opened by SySagar - 1
Error when adding the table snippet via chakra-cli
#9347 opened by LordHub - 2
[v3] Recipe for Button is not working as expected
#9355 opened by rohanmohapatra - 1
Some elements don't have recipes or slotrecipes
#9356 opened by OmarDronodat - 2
- 1
ContextError: useContext returned `undefined` when using NextJS React (19) installation
#9357 opened by bmacer - 0
- 1
PaginationItems cannot useRootProps
#9328 opened by rui-han-crh - 0
How to use Chakra UI v3 in shadow dom with React 19
#9337 opened by lhk - 1
`className="dark` doesn't work
#9336 opened by Ploppy3 - 2
- 0
mergeConfigs does not override functions.
#9331 opened by Pagebakers - 2
Using font CSS variables in system config makes --chakra-fonts-[token] not defined
#9309 opened by thomasarbona - 3
Enhance docs - Setup without using snippets
#9320 opened by jtuchel - 2
No info how to implement animations
#9317 opened by vitonsky - 5
Failed to resolve import "@/components/ui/provider" from "src/main.jsx". Does the file exist?
#9322 opened by pga5e - 2
Typescript errors with select snippet
#9314 opened by ahcai - 0
- 1
Incorrect Vite Project Get-Started Guide
#9323 opened by thesohailjafri - 0
<Collapsible> flashes when moved as list items
#9319 opened by du33169 - 4
CssVarsRoot should be respected in @layer reset, base and tokens to prevent global style leakage
#9256 opened by du33169 - 4
Problem with custom breakpoints (migration)
#9241 opened by t4llfly - 0
CLI Starter Templates/Boilerplate for Chakra UI with Next.js (Pages Router and App Router)
#9303 opened by thesohailjafri - 1
Allow to customize the look of a toast
#9302 opened by lcswillems - 0
SelectItem withing Dialog not highlighted on hover
#9297 opened by OttlikG - 1
- 2
Responsive semanticTokens doesn't work #3
#9289 opened by pepelele - 1
Value of Semantic Tokens Color
#9285 opened by AvanadeMichal - 1
PasswordInput Icon margin
#9271 opened by Ahmed-Ibrahim-Anter - 1
Responsive semanticTokens doesn't work
#9283 opened by tranbathanhtung - 1
Ark-ui modules cannot find in chakra-ui exports
#9284 opened by leodionizio - 1
- 1
- 0
Add anchor component
#9269 opened by j-bullard - 3
- 1
Loading prop doesn't exist on IconButton component but indicate in documentation
#9264 opened by Benjamin-htr - 2
useColorMode with latest chakra-ui/react
#9253 opened by jerome-diver - 1
The official documentation and the github page
#9252 opened by jerome-diver - 4
ListItem unexpected styling
#9235 opened by DeJayDev - 3
When using stack separator prop, I get an unspecified border style attached to my separator component
#9230 opened by BLuEScioN - 1
Icon created by createIcon disappears when using a Linear Gradient inside a Hover Card
#9244 opened by Jkdrumm - 0
Not way to disable the focus ring?
#9236 opened by lcswillems - 1
- 3
- 0
Not full instalation guide
#9239 opened by Gotovskiy - 0
Tour component
#9243 opened by Newbie012 - 2
Has useOutsideClick been removed?
#9229 opened by lcswillems