
Progressive Web App for tracking flights and calculating mileage using Angular and Firebase

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started

Update the CLI to latest version

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

Change to parent directory and start dev server

ng new PROJECT_NAME --style=scss
ng serve --port 4200

Point browser to http://localhost:4200 to make sure "app works!"

Install Basic and UI dependencies

sudo npm install --save @angular/material hammerjs @angular/flex-layout rxjs @angular/animations \
                        @angular/service-worker ng-pwa-tools @angular/platform-server

Install Firebase and AngularFire2 dependencies

sudo npm install --save firebase angularfire2

Enable service worker and push notifications


    .then(() => {
        if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {

Tell angular-cli to build the project with service worker

ng set apps.0.serviceWorker=true


import {NgServiceWorker, ServiceWorkerModule} from '@angular/service-worker';

imports: [
    BrowserModule.withServerTransition({appId: 'app-name'}),

export class AppModule {
    constructor(sw: NgServiceWorker) {
            applicationServerKey: '<YOUR-FCM-API-KEY>'
        }).subscribe(sub => {
        sw.push.subscribe(msg => {
            console.log('got push message', msg);

Gotcha - add module.id to your components and set your routes

(otherwise your manifest generation may FAIL)

moduleId: module.id

Build the app

ng build --prod

Generate manifest

./node_modules/.bin/ngu-sw-manifest --module src/app/app.module.ts

Create ngsw-manifest.json file in src folder

Note: change "freshness" to "performance" if your app doesn't need realtime

  "dynamic": {
    "group": [
        "name": "firebase",
        "urls": {
            "match": "prefix"
        "cache": {
          "optimizeFor": "freshness",
          "maxAgeMs": 3600000,
          "maxEntries": 20,
          "strategy": "lru"
  "push": {
    "showNotifications": true

Generate Loading module

ng g module Loading

Generate static app shell loading route

Note: make sure your exists in app.component.html

./node_modules/.bin/ngu-app-shell --module src/app/app.module.ts --url /loading --insert-module src/app/loading/loading.module.ts

Set up firebase HTTP/2 push

./node_modules/.bin/ngu-firebase-push --module src/app/app.module.ts

Full run.sh script

Note: you may need to add permission to the file: chmod +x run.sh

PATH=$PATH:$(npm bin)

set -x

# Production build

ng build --prod

# Generate a new index.html with an app shell

./node_modules/.bin/ngu-app-shell --module src/app/app.module.ts \

                                  --url /loading \

                                  --insert-module src/app/loading/loading.module.ts \

                                  --out dist/index.html

# Generate a SW manifest from our app

./node_modules/.bin/ngu-sw-manifest --module src/app/app.module.ts \

                                    --out dist/ngsw-manifest.json

# Copy prebuilt worker into our site

cp node_modules/@angular/service-worker/bundles/worker-basic.min.js dist/

# Serve

cd dist


Full deploy.sh script

Note: you may need to add permission to the file: chmod +x run.sh

PATH=$PATH:$(npm bin)

set -x

# Production build

ng build --prod

# Generate a new index.html with an app shell

./node_modules/.bin/ngu-app-shell --module src/app/app.module.ts \

                                  --url /loading \

                                  --insert-module src/app/loading/loading.module.ts \

                                  --out dist/index.html

# Generate a SW manifest from our app

./node_modules/.bin/ngu-sw-manifest --module src/app/app.module.ts \

                                    --out dist/ngsw-manifest.json

# Copy prebuilt worker into our site

cp node_modules/@angular/service-worker/bundles/worker-basic.min.js dist/

# Deploy

firebase deploy

Run PWA build script and server


Deploy your app


To see script output and service worker state http://localhost:4200/ngsw.log http://localhost:4200/ngsw-manifest.json


Google I/O 2017 session

Github: alxhub/io17

Google Developers: Debugging Service Workers

Transforming an existing Angular application into a Progressive Web App