
Solutions to some of the problems on HackerRank

Primary LanguagePython

HackerRank Solutions



Challenge Solution Difficult Level
Solve Me First solve_me_first.py Easy
Simple Array Sum simple_array_sum.py Easy
Compare The Triplets compare_triplets.py Easy
A Very Big Sum very_big_sum.py Easy
Diagonal Difference diagonal_difference.py Easy
Plus Minus plus_minus.py Easy
Staircase staircase.py Easy
Mini-Max Sum mini_max_sum.py Easy
Time Conversion time_conversion.py Easy
Birthday Cake Candles birthday_cake_candles.py Easy


Challenge Solution Difficult Level
Grading Students grading.py Easy
Apple and Orange apple_and_orange.py Easy
Kangaroo kangaroo.py Easy
Between Two Sets between_two_sets.py Easy
Breaking the Records breaking_best_and_worst_records.py Easy
Birthday Chocolate the_birthday_bar.py Easy
Divisible Sum Pairs divisible_sum_pairs.py Easy
Migratory Birds migratory_birds.py Easy
Bon Appétit bon_appetit.py Easy
Sock Merchant sock_merchant.py Easy
Drawing Book drawing_book.py Easy

Data Structures


Challenge Solution Difficult Level
Arrays - DS array_ds.py Easy
2D Array - DS 2d_array.py Easy
Dynamic Array dynamic_array.py Easy
Left Rotation array_left_rotation.py Easy
Sparse Arrays sparse_arrays.py Medium
Algorithmic Crush crush.py Hard

Linked Lists

Challenge Solution Difficult Level
Print the Elements of a Linked List print_the_elements_of_a_linked_list.py Easy
Insert a Node at the Tail of a Linked List insert_a_node_at_tail_of_linked_list.py Easy
Insert a node at the head of a linked list insert_a_node_at_head_of_linked_list.py Easy
Insert a node at a specific position in a linked list insert_a_node_at_specific_position_of_linked_list.py Easy
Delete a Node delete_a_node_from_linked_list.py Easy
Print in Reverse print_elements_of_linked_list_in_reverse.py Easy
Reverse a linked list reverse_a_linked_list.py Easy
Compare two linked lists compare_two_linked_lists.py Easy
Get Node Value get_the_value_of_node_at_specific_position_from_tail.py Easy
Delete duplicate-value nodes from a sorted linked list delete_duplicate_value_nodes_from_sorted_linked_list.py Easy
Cycle Detection detect_whether_a_linked_list_contains_cycle.py Medium
Find Merge Point of Two Lists find_merge_point_of_two_joined_linked_lists.py Easy
Inserting a Node Into a Sorted Doubly Linked List insert_node_into_sorted_doubly_linked_list.py Easy
Reverse a doubly linked list reverse_doubly_linked_list.py Easy


Challenge Solution Difficult Level
Tree: Preorder Traversal preorder_traversal.py Easy
Tree: Postorder Traversal postorder_traversal.py Easy
Tree: Inorder Traversal inorder_traversal.py Easy
Tree: Height of a Binary Tree height_of_binary_tree.py Easy
Tree : Top View tree_top_view.cpp Easy

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