How to go from type form back to the taxon edit form?
PJansta opened this issue · 8 comments
I know it is best to open forms in the new window (using CTRL key), but if I forget that (waht I usually do). Then it is quite difficult to go back to taxon edit form.
For quick form it is easier as I can click on Navigate radial (right up corner next to taxon name - see 1. prinstcreen below) and select edit. Not straightforward, but duable
For comprehensive form I need to back to TW icon, find the taxa again and go to edit.
There is no way (I think) in comprehensive form to go back easily.
Plus, in comprehensive form there is no mention of species name anywhere. Would it be possible to add name to the heading and what type is it (holotype, paratype). it is easy to track it in quick form, but not here. Maybe if you add the name to the heading, it can be link with taxon edit page?
I do not know if my explanation is understandable...sorry if not and I can try to explain it on Wednesday.
Thanks a lot for you help.
I am working in "production"
edit out everything but one of the templates
hese are example templates only, feel free to add general issues.
At present there are two types of primary issues we're tracking:
- Problems with data representation - as data are migrated from UCD to JNCDB there were issues
- Problems with the application (errors returned, inablity to do X, suggestions for more efficient Y, requests for features)
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---- 1) A problem with data representation ----
Steps to Replicate
When I do X
and I do Y
then I see Z
URL(s), screenshots, or target data illustrating problem
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---- 2) A problem with the application ----
Steps to Replicate
When I do X
and I do Y
then I see Z
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@jlpereira can we add ctrl-t takes to edit taxon name here? Also add a Pen icon beside the taxon name?
@PJansta we added a edit button beside the taxon name, it will send you directly to New taxon name task.
Using "ctrl + t" on Mac or "alt + t" on Windows or Linux, will send you directly to New taxon name too.
I hope this helps you with your workflow
You should see those changes on the next update.
Hi PJansta,
For some reason I can't see the images, maybe it did not uploaded?
Just to clarified. If you are on "New type material" task, you can go to "New taxon name" clicking on the pen icon beside the taxon name, or just using the key combination(alt+t).
In the case of the shortcut, its something I have to discuss with @mjy , because we already use the same combination on "New taxon name" and "Browse nomenclature" to switch between those 2 tasks.
So, if you use that combination on "New type material" you will go to "New taxon name". But if you use again that combination, you will go to "Browse nomenclature" and i dont think this is gonna be a good idea, should be a different combination to avoid this and give the liberty of switching between "New taxon name" and "New type material".
But if you look on the image i post before, now there is a way to go directly to New taxon name just clicking on the pen icon. You won't see this changes right now, because its not on production yet, but its already on sandbox if you want to see it there.
The comprehensive form its a more complex task, which is not only for create type materials, its more oriented for collection digitalizations. So what you will see at the main bar its the identifier and not the taxon name like you see on "Type material" task. But the taxon name its present on the type material section of this form, as you can see on the image.
What we can do on comprehensive form is add an hyperlink on the taxon name to redirecto to "new taxon name" task. That will help?
No problem, PJansta. Do all the questions you need xD
I added hyperlink for the taxon name on new type material section. Should be reflected on the next update.
I undestand the problem you mention about the shortcuts, its the same i explain with the example, we need to think a different combination to navigate between "New taxon name" and "New type specimen". Use (alt + t) is the same combination we already use to switch between "Browse nomenclature" and "New taxon name". I will discuss this with @mjy to see which key combination adapt better for this. If you have one in mind that will helps with your workflow, i will like to hear it