
Internet of Things Projects

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

IOT Projects with Raspberry Pi

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Humidity / Temperature Data and Analytics


Part 1) Setting up Your Python Environment

Part 2) Modeling Time Series Data

Part 3) Analytics: Forecasting and Predicting


  • search optimal parameters
  • performance evaluation - inputs data set treated consistently
  • de-season data and implement statistical models that require seasonality to be removed

Make predictions with heat and temperature data using both classic Statistics and Machine Learning algorithms

PART 1: Setting up Python Environment

A. install pip

B: create environment

C. install requirements

Installing Plotly Use Jupyter Notebook ()not sure if it works with Jupyter Lab) https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py#installation shut down kernels and restart jupyter notebook

Troubleshooting Plotly jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1.0e10 Trusted Mode

D. test setup

PART 2. Modeling Time Series Data

A. Characteristics and Models for Time Series Data

Model Type Seasonality Trend
Autoregression (AR) uni n n
Moving Average (MA) uni n n
Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) uni n n
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) uni n y
Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) uni y y
Seasonal ARIMA with Exogenous Regressors (SARIMAX) uni y y
Vector Autoregression (VAR) uni n n
VAR Moving-Average (VARMA) mulit n n
VARMA with Exogenous Regressors (VARMAX) mulit n n
Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES) uni n n
Holt Winter’s Exponential Smoothing (HWES) uni y y

B. Univariate Models for Forecasting

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C. Multivariate Models for Forecasting

In many applications, such as Electricity Dataset, you have many similar time series across a set of cross-sectional units. For this type of application, you can benefit from training a single model jointly over all of the time serie - when dataset contains hundreds of related time series, the standard ARIMA and ETS methods may not be the best approach.

PART 3: Explore and Understand Data

2.1: Outside Humidity and Temperature Data

A. Visual Inspection

Goal: Visualize the data to understand what type of model we should use.

  • Q: Does the plot make sense?

  • Q: Is the data seasonal?

  • Q: Does the data have a trend?

  • Q: Is the Data Additive or Multiplicative

  • Q: Is the data Stationary

  • Q: Does the data contain outliers that can potentially hinder algo performance

  • Q: Is there missing data, can missing data be explained?

B. Decompose Time Series:

C. Overlaying Official Weather Data

2.2: Inside Humidity and Temperature Data

PART 3: Data Preparation

How prepare data for time series analysis

  • Smoothing Data

PART 4: Builld Model to Make Predictions

What Predict?

  • Predict Temperature and Humidity: a single step in future - by using past observations of single variable (univariate) or past observations of

  • Predict Season: given more than one time series variables (multivariate)

Predicting Temperature and Humidity

Univariate Regression : Single variable input (temperature or humidity) and forecast a numerical quantity (temperature)

Algorithms Classical Statistics:

  • Triple Exponential Smoothing
  • SARIMA: Seasonal ARIMA

Machine Learning:

  • MLP
  • BNN

Predicting Season

  • Multivariate : Multiples variables used as input
  • Classification : predict label (season)

Machine Learning Algorithm

  • LSTM
  • RNN