
T4 template to generate async methods wrapping existing APM

Primary LanguageC#

Async Generator

T4 template to generate async methods wrapping existing APM

Example/How to use

Install from nuget to project you need wrappers in.

Install-Package AsyncGenerator

This will add two files:

AsyncExtensions.ttinclude - this is main implemantation ExampleAsyncExtensions.tt - example template, it configures and include AsyncExtensions.ttinclude

Example of ExampleAsyncExtensions.tt, in most cases you only need modify Name, Namespace and Assemblies.

var config = new GenerationConfiguration
    Name = "ExampleAsyncExtensions", // Name of the class to generate
    Namespace = "SuperExample", // Namespace of the class
    Assemblies = new []
        Define(@".\Path\To.dll", // Path to assembly to generate wrappers
            "SuperType1", "SuperType2") // List all types you want to include
<#@ include file="AsyncExtensions.ttinclude" #>

Misc notes

  1. AsyncGenerator does not generate async version of methods in object inheritance chain, so for example if you registered A, only BeginMethod1 will be generated.

    class A : B { BeginMethod1 } class B { BeginMethod2 }


Licensed under the MIT