
A Builder archetype for Dash component suites.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dash Components Archetype


This is a Builder archetype for Dash component suites. It defines build- and test configuration, as well as development scripts and a convenient way to generate a new component suite project with all the necessary boilerplate.

Generating a component suite project

$ npm install -g builder-init
$ builder-init dash-components-archetype

Answer the prompts, then:

$ npm install


Demo Server

If your component suite project has a demo/ directory following the same structure as the init/demo directory in this archetype, you can start up a demo development server:

$ npm run demo
$ open http://localhost:9000

This lets you see a demo of the rendered components. You have to maintain the list of components in demo/Demo.react.js.

Code quality

To run lint:

$ npm test

TODO: ESLint is not reporting problems https://github.com/plotly/dash-components-archetype/issues/15

Testing your components in Dash

The best way to test your components in the real Dash context is by linking into dash2 and testing them from there.

  1. Prepare your component suite module by linking and watching for changes

     # Symlink module
     $ npm link
     # Transpile components to `lib/` and watch for changes
     $ npm start
  2. Link module into dash2 project

     # In the `dash2/renderer` project directory:

Now you should be able to restart the webpack process (in dash2/renderer: ctrl-c, npm start), after which webpack will automatically pick up new changes to the component suite.

Customizing your project

You can override any npm script in the archetype with your own implementation. To see the list of supported scripts, run ./node_modules/bin/builder run. For more details, see Builder Archetypes.


To tag and release a new version of the archetype, follow these instructions. You might be tempted to add some of these steps to NPM's *version lifecycle methods, but that would interfere with versioning and publishing of the actual project depending on the archetype, since Builder merges the project package.json scripts with the archetype's package.json scripts.

# 1. Bump package.json `version` according to [semver][]
vi package.json

# 2. Generate `dev/*` package files
node_modules/.bin/builder-support gen-dev

# 3. Run tests
npm run builder:check

# 4. Commit and tag
git add package.json dev
git commit -m "vx.x.x"
git tag -a "vx.x.x" -m "vx.x.x"
git push --follow-tags

5. Publish main and dev package
npm publish && cd dev && npm publish && cd -


You can test component generation with this library with npm link and with the absolute file path option of builder-init.

npm install -g builder-init
git clone https://github.com/plotly/dash-components-archetype.git
cd dash-components-archetype
npm link
cd dash-components-archetype-dev
npm link
cd ../..
builder-init /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/dash-components-archetype/
# answer prompts to create new file

# Enter new package folder
cd new-package # replace with the name of your package from the prompt
npm link dash-components-archetype
npm link dash-components-archetype-dev
npm i