Project Development Setup

Make sure you have a local instance of MongoDB running at the default port of 27017.

    # Install project dependencies
    npm i 
    # Run automated test scripts 
    npm run test
    # Start up project server
    npm run start
How are you making the URLs shorter

I am generating a URL safe string to map shorter links to their true origins in a table set up which enables me to search through it in a short set of time.

Why Express (Server Framework)

Express is the server framework I am most comfortable working with daily, it is stable and contains a lot of nice modules for hosting static files and endpoints.

Why Mongo? (Database)

I wanted to store URL mappings as key pair values in-memory but also wanted to maintain a basic persistence layer for reliability as a long-standing service. Since Mongo can run as an in-memory Database and is MultiCored it's great for the Job. I would have used Redis with backups for sheer performance but it just does not support MapReduce.

Why Mocha and Chai (Testing Framework)

I am comfortable with Chai since I use it quite a bit and run Chai tests atop of Mocha.