Task: Create the most readable implementation of factorial humanly possible (BE CREATIVE!!!)
1) git clone git@github.com:challendy/tukaiz_dojo_1.git 2) cd into tukaiz_dojo_1/ 3) git branch #{ENTER SOME RANDOM BRANCH NAME} 4) git checkout #{BRANCH NAME YOU JUST ENTERED} 5) open factorial.rb 6) creatively add your version of the MOST humanly readable and understandable implementation of factorial 7) *IMPORTANT* please name your method "def #{your_phone_ext}_factorial(n)" 8) git add factorial.rb 9) git commit -m "ENTER SOME COMMIT MESSAGE" 10) git push origin #{BRANCH NAME YOU ENTERED FROM STEP 4} 11) That's it! Awesome Job! I will be posting results and merging all branches later this week
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factorial http://gitready.com/