
Core API for iSee Cockpit and other services

Primary LanguageJavaScript

iSee Core API


The iSee API serves as the backbone of the entire iSee Platform, expertly managing core integrations with other iSee Services. It is also responsible for handling the logic necessary for the smooth operation of the iSee Cockpit, while simultaneously maintaining the database layer.

🚧 Under Construction 🚧

Endpoints Available


  • Get All: GET /questionnaire
  • Get One: GET /questionnaire/:id
  • Create: POST /questionnaire
  • Update: PATCH /questionnaire/:id
  • Delete: DELETE /questionnaire/:id


  • Get All: GET /usecases
  • Get One: GET /usecases/:id
  • Create: POST /usecases
  • Update Settings: PATCH /usecases/:id/settings
  • Update Published State: PATCH /usecases/:id/publish
  • Delete: DELETE /usecases/:id

Usecases => Personas

  • Add New: POST /usecases/:id/persona
  • Update: PATCH /usecases/:id/persona/:personaId
  • Delete: DELETE /usecases/:id/persona/:personaId

Usecases => Personas => Intent

  • Add New: POST /usecases/:id/persona/:personaId/intent
  • Delete : DELETE /usecases/:id/persona/:personaId/intent/:intentId
  • Update : PATCH /usecases/:id/persona/:personaId/intent/:intentId


  • Get All: GET /interaction/
  • Add New: POST /interaction/


  • Get Global Stats: GET /stats/usecases/:id
  • Get Intent Stats: GET /stats/usecases/:id/persona/:personaId/:intent/


npm install

Create a .env file and change the DB connection string as required

npm start

Docker Setup

docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t isee4xai/api:dev .

docker-compose  --file docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build