
Helm Charts. Helm repo http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo

Primary LanguageSmarty

Mojaloop Helm Charts

Git Commit Git Releases CircleCI

Mojaloop published Helm Repo: http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo/

Mojaloop deployment documentation: http://mojaloop.io/documentation/deployment-guide/

Refer to Helm docs for more information: https://docs.helm.sh/


  1. Add Helm dependency repositories:
helm repo add incubator http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-charts-incubator;
helm repo add kiwigrid https://kiwigrid.github.io;
helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co

Configure remote Mojaloop Helm repo on your Helm Client

  1. Add Mojaloop repo

helm repo add mojaloop http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo/

  1. Keep your local Mojaloop repo up to date

helm repo up mojaloop

Deployment from remote Mojaloop repo

  1. Deploy specific chart
  • helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo <chart_name>

e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo centralledger

  1. Deploy specific chart overriding values
  • helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo -f <values_file> <chart_name>

e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo -f ./values.yaml centralledger

Refer to the following default chart config file for values: http://mojaloop.io/helm/<chart_name>/values.yaml

  1. Deploy Mojaloop components

Warning: This will deploy all charts.

  • helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo mojaloop

e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo mojaloop

Upgrading Deployments from Repo

helm upgrade --debug <release-name> --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo <chart_name>

e.g. helm upgrade --debug dev --repo=http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo centralenduserregistry

Update Chart Dependencies for Source for local repo deployments

Note: Please ensure that you update the Chart dependencies in the order show below.

  • helm dep up centralkms
  • helm dep up forensicloggingsidecar
  • helm dep up centralledger
  • helm dep up centralhub
  • helm dep up mockpathfinder
  • helm dep up centralenduserregistry
  • helm dep up centraldirectory
  • helm dep up centralsettlement
  • helm dep up central
  • helm dep up ml-api-adapter
  • helm dep up interop-switch
  • helm dep up mojaloop

We are quitely waiting on recursive updates: helm/helm#2247

Alternatively please use the helper script sh ./update-charts-dep.sh.

This script will ensure the correct order is maintained.

Deployment from Source for local repo deployments

  1. Deploy specific chart
  • helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> <chart_directory>

e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev ./centralledger

  1. Deploy mojaloop componenets

Warning: This will deploy all charts.

  • helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> ./mojaloop

e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev ./mojaloop

  1. Deploy Ingress
  • helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> ./kube-public/ingress-nginx

e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=kube-public --name=<release-name> ./kube-public/ingress-nginx

Upgrading Deployments from Source

helm upgrade --debug <release-name> <chart_directory>

e.g. helm upgrade --debug dev ./centralenduserregistry/

Testing Deployments

  1. Add the following to your hosts file and ensure you have installed Ingress Controller on your Kubernetes Cluster:

<ip-of-k8s-node-ingress> ml-api-adapter.local central-ledger.local account-lookup-service.local quoting-service.local central-settlement.local moja-simulator.local

  1. Curl Health End-points for ML-API-Adapter

curl http://ml-api-adapter.local/health

Expected output:


  1. Curl Health End-points for Central Ledger

curl http://central-ledger.local/health

Expected output:


Removing Deployments

helm del --purge <release-name>

e.g. helm del --purge dev

Debugging Charts

  1. Execute a dry-run to display all the Kubernetes deployment files

helm install --dry-run --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> <chart_directory>

  1. Use Helm Linter to check for any issues

helm lint --strict <chart_directory>

Helper scripts

Lint Helm Charts

1.) Lint charts

This will Lint all parent charts to ensure they conform to Helm standards


Update Helm Charts for Local usage

1.) Update charts

Update all charts, and their respective dependencies (requirements).


Package Helm Charts into Local repo

1.) Package charts

Package all charts, and created an index.yaml in ./repo directory

sh package.sh

Monitoring Mojaloop

Refer to Monitoring Documentation