This repository contains the following contents
- Sample program
- Hand sign recognition model(TFLite)
- Learning data for hand sign recognition and notebook for learning
- mediapipe 0.8.1
- OpenCV 3.4.2 or Later
- Tensorflow 2.3.0 or Later if-nightly 2.5.0 or Later (Only when createing a TFLite for an LSTM model)
- scikit-learn 0.23.2 or Later (Only if you want to display the confusion matrix)
- matplotlib3.3.2 or Later (Only if you want to display the confusion matrix)
Here's how to run the demo using your webcam.
The following options can be specified when running the demo.
- --device Specifying the camera device number (Defualt : 0)
- --width Width at the time of camera capture (Default : 960)
- --height Height at the time of camera capture (Default : 540)
- -- use_static_image_mode Whether to use static_image_mode option for MediaPipe inference (Default : Unspecified)
- --min_detection_confidence Detection confidence threshold (Default : 0.5)
- --min_tracking_confidence Tracking confidence threshold (Default : 0.5)
This is a sample program for infernce.
for extracting csv files from "asl_images_in" folder writing into /model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint.csv
everytime you run the extract_hand_csv keypoint.csv, it will append landmarks of hand images in the asl_imaes_in folder
python --device 0 will open webcam with number 0 and start interpreting