Hitman is a Markdown parser, currently implemented in <100 lines of Clojure using Instaparse and Hiccup. There are a few features of Markdown that aren't yet supported (such as reference-style links and images, and Atx-style headers), but it generally works reasonably well. Obviously, there are some quirks to work out, but it's usable in its current state. If nothing else, I hope people can learn a bit about the fantastic Instaparse by looking at the code, as that was my own primary motivation for creating this.
git clone git@github.com:chameco/Hitman.git
It's also on Clojars. Just add [hitman "0.1.0"]
to your Leiningen dependencies.
You can either run in place using Leiningen, or create a jar. You know the drill folks.
$ lein run test.txt
will write output to test.html
. Another option is
$ lein uberjar
$ java -jar target/hitman-0.1.0-standalone.jar test.txt
If you're going to use it as a library, just call (markdown-to-html *string*)
Copyright © 2013 Samuel Breese
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.