
Making my own Redis server with codecrafers.io in Python

Primary LanguagePython


This is my Python solution to the "Build Your Own Redis" Challenge.

Note: Head over to codecrafters.io to signup for early access.


  1. Ensure you have python (3.7) or higher installed locally
  2. Run ./spawn_redis_server.sh to run the Redis server, which is implemented in app/.
  3. The Redis server will be launched and bound to port 6379, the default Redis port. You can speak to it using the redis-cli. You can compile the redis server + cli directly from source or install on macOS via homebrew
brew install redis

or use your favorite linux package manager. Simply start up the cli by typing redis-cli in the terminal.


  • Currently querying via telnet doesn't work, as far as I can tell, because if you try to write a command in accordance with RESP, for exmaple set redis awesome, which is


telnet just escapes all the CRLF \r\n and thus the parser doesn't work correctly.

  • handling concurrent clients is implemented via threads, whereas real Redis implementation is single-threaded and based on event-loops. Likewise, key expiry uses a sleeping thread, that only wakes up after the Time-To-Live (TTL) has passed. There is a more elegant way.
  • add docstrings
  • Implement more data types and commands