
This repo is for autonomous surface vehicles

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Dukciepond Website
My Website
  • If you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact me: ccpwearth@gmail.com (Pin-wei Chen)

Requirements Environment

  • ROS kinetic
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • OpenCV 3.3.1


Name Type Rostopic
IMU ??? /mavros/imu/static_pressure
GPS ??? /mavros/global_position/global_position
Depth sensors ??? ???

How to Build

  1. For ROS part
$ cd ~/
$ git clone https://github.com/championway/asv_ros.git
$ cd ~/asv_ros/catkin_ws
$ source ../environment.sh
$ catkin_make

Do the following everytime as you open new terminals

$ cd ~/asv_ros/
$ source environment.sh

Multi-point Navigation

  • cycle:=False --> The ASV will stop at the end point.
  • cycle:=True --> The ASV will keep doing the cyle navigation.
  • You can skip typing "veh:=[Your vehicle name]", your default name will be "ASV"

Run Sensor

Open the sensor on the ASV, and make sure all the sensor ROS topics are publishing.


Run Navigation

$ roslaunch asv navigation.launch cycle:=[True/False]

Run Joystick

$ roslaunch asv joy.launch veh:=[Your vehicle name]
press "Start"

Start Navigation

$ rosservice call /ASV/start_navigation "data: true" 

- Use "TAB" to help you type this command