
LIDAR Point Cloud from Sparse to Dense

Primary LanguagePython

lidar_S2D - LIDAR Point Cloud from Sparse to Dense using GAN

32 Bin LIDAR Point Cloud From Sparse To Dense

Development Environment

Gazebo Equipment


Depth Camera

  • Kinect depth camera


  • VLP-16 LIDAR
  • VLP-32 LIDAR

How to run


$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-*


$ cd
$ git clone https://github.com/championway/lidar_S2D
$ cd ~/lidar_S2D/catkin_ws
$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
$ catkin_make

Note: Do the following everytime as you open new terminals

$ cd ~/lidar_S2D
$ source environment.sh

Open gazebo

$ roslaunch gazebo_run test.launch

Collect LIDAR depth image

$ rosrun rgbd_camera image_process

Predict point cloud sparse to dense

LIDAR point cloud to depth image

$ rosrun rgbd_camera lidar2depth

Depth image to LIDAR point cloud

$ rosrun rgbd_camera depth2lidar

GAN prediction

$ rosrun rgbd_camera sparse2nse.py