
DemoGrapher: A software tool for drawing and exploring population histories.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DemoGrapher is a software tool for interactively drawing and exploring demographic histories.

  • Explore summary statistics in real time.
  • Generate input commands automatically for ms, msprime, and scrm (more coming soon!).

DemoGrapherFeatures... Guess you'll just have to download it to see them:)

Quick start guide

  1. Install DemoGrapher using the installation instructions.

  2. Launch DemoGrapher by typing

    $ demographer

    at a terminal prompt. This command launches the GUI.

  3. The commands for DemoGrapher are listed in the output box when the program opens. You can also check out the tutorial on the GitHub site.

Installation instructions

DemoGrapher was developed in Python 2.7 using Enthought Canopy. Check your Python version at a terminal prompt by typing

$ python --version

If you do not have Python 2.7 installed, you can download it. The Anaconda Python 2.7 distribution contains all of the packages required for DemoGrapher. However, any Python 2.7 distribution should be fine. If you already have Anaconda Python 3.X (e.g., the Python 3.6 release of Anaconda) you can create a Python 2.7 virtual environment that behaves like a separate Python distribution using the directions in the Creating a virtual environment section below.

Once Python 2.7 (or a virtual environment with Python 2.7) is installed, you can install DemoGrapher from the terminal prompt in one of two ways:

  1. If you have an Anaconda Python 2.7 release, you can install using conda. From any command prompt just type

    $ conda install -c ejewett demographer

    or if you are using a virtual environment type

    $ conda install -c ejewett demographer -n yourenvironmentname
  2. If you have a different Python 2.7 release, install using pip

    $ pip install demographer_popgen

    or if you're using a virtual environment type

    $ source <path to virtual environment>
    $ pip install demographer_popgen

The pip or conda command should download all the necessary files. However, if you get a "No module named" error, you can individually download the necessary packages by following the steps in the Troubleshooting section.

Creating a virtual environment

DemoGrapher installs several dependent packages. Sometimes it is best to keep these packages within a virtual environment so that they don't interfere with the function of other Python software you have installed and so that updates to other software do not modify the packages that DemoGrapher relies on. You may also want to use a virtual environment if you do not have root access to your system or if you're on a shared computer. You can generate a virtual environment for DemoGrapher in a few ways.

  1. If you have an Anaconda Python release (type $ python --version to check) you can create a new virtual environment simply by typing

    $ conda create -n yourchoiceofname python=2.7 anaconda

    This creates a new python 2.7 environment named yourchoiceofname in your anaconda distribution [1]. Make the new Python 2.7 environment temporarily active by typing

    $ source activate yourchoiceofname

    (To deactivate yourchoiceofname just type $ deactiveate or open a new terminal window). To remove yourchoiceofname entirely, type

    $ conda remove -n yourchoiceofname --all

    To see a list of existing virtual environments, type

    $ conda info --envs
  2. If you are using a Python 2.7 distribution that is not Anaconda, you can make a virtual environment using virtualenv. First make sure you have virtualenv installed. To check this, type

    $ virtualenv --version

    at a command prompt. If a version number appears then it's installed. If not, type

    $ pip install virtualenv

    Then type

    $ virtualenv <path to a convenient location for your virtual environment directory>
    $ source <path to newly created virtual environment directory>/bin/activate

    For example, if I wanted to put the virtual environment in my user directory I would type

    $ virtualenv /Users/ethanjewett/DemoGrapher_venv
    $ source DemoGrapher_venv/bin/activate

    Once you have executed the source command, install DemoGrapher using pip as described above.


When installing DemoGrapher with conda or pip, you may find that the packages you need did not download automatically. For example, you might get the error "No module named module_name" when running DemoGrapher. If this happens

  1. If you are using an Anaconda Python 2.7 distribution (and you are not using a virtual environment (see Creating a virtual environment), type

    $ conda install module_name


    $ pip install module_name

    If you are using a virtual environment, type

    $ conda install -n yourenvironmentname module_name
  2. If you are not using Anaconda, type

    $ pip install module_name

    If you are using a virtual environment, first activate the virtual environment by typing

    $ source <path to virtual environment>

    Then do

    $ pip install module_name
[1]Unfortunately, sometimes creating a virtual environment with conda does not install all of the necessary packages. You might have to install some of them manually if they do not download properly. To install them, use the conda install command in the Troubleshooting section.