
Subsection missing in LD?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

@VikJGG there's a heading of subsection called "Implications for Reaction Dynamics".
I checked your original Notebook and I didn't find anything?
Is there some content actually missing or just an extra heading?

Let me know

Yes, @rgmeseguer @vkrajnak and I added that subsection. This was done with the intention of keeping the structure: development of the method, identifying phase space structures using some examples, and then implications for reaction dynamics. This last subsection will discuss how the points of singularity in the LD contour map relate to reaction dynamics via points on invariant manifold. As of the present state of LD applications, this will be a discussion and speculation based on how we have applied LD to different chemical problems. These chemical problems in the succeeding sections can then be linked to this subsection. I'd keep the section and add work in progress (block letters to emphasize) if that is bothering you @broncio123.