
Online Support System for customer and sellers

Primary LanguagePHP


Online Support System for customer and sellers


  • clone the repo
  • navigate to the project folder
  • to get the composer packages run composer update
  • to get the node packages run the following command npm i
  • run npm run dev to compile the asserts
  • run php artisan migrate
  • run php artisan db:seed to get the default logins and test data


  • agent login url http://localhost:8000/agent/login
  • view all tickets http://localhost:8000/ticket/index

run tests

php artisan test

default logins

email : admin@admin.com

password : 123123

app url should be change tp APP_URL=http://localhost:8000 in .env in order to have email links working

in order to have the default logins please run the database seeder