
MVC architecture base pure PHP framework

Primary LanguagePHP

Smiple PHP MVC

MVC architecture base pure PHP framework. this framework is inpride by Laravel


  1. download the zip.
  2. create a folder in the htdocs or www .
  3. unzip the content to that folder.
  4. change the base_url constant as the name of folder
    ex - if you name the folder final_project change the define('base_url', 'http://localhost/final/'); to define('base_url', 'http://localhost/final_project /'); in the index.php file
  5. create a database named project using phpmyadmin or any other tool if you are going to have different name change the database name in the libs\Database.php. parent::__construct('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=your_database_name', 'root' , '');

username - admin
password - 123123


Application recive all it request to index.php and uses the Handler class in the lib folder and redicrect to the relavent controller method.



Handel the logic for request received in to the application. and return a view or JSON respon. All Controller should be located in \controllers folder. All controllers should be extended form the main controller class in the lib\Controller.php class. this class is consite of view and validation class.


All the models are located in the models folder and are extend form lib\Database.php class. which uses PHP PDO all the database queries are handle by that.


All the view are located in the views folder and contains mostly HTLM, CSS, JavaScript. views has sub inclued file which are located in the views\includes folder. When returing a view file from the controlle the view get added inside of a col-md-9 div which can be changed from the View class located in the lib\View.php file.