
Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Theme-ify your Jupyter Notebooks!

jt -t chesterish -cw 850 -f hack -fs 10


jt -t oceans16 -alt -f hack -fs 10 -cw 900


jt -t onedork -f hack -fs 10 -cw 850


jt -t grade3 -alt -fs 10 -cw 900 -tf ptserif


jt -t onedork -nf ptserif -tf ptserif


TravisCI Build status:


Install with pip

pip install jupyterthemes

Known Issues

  • UPDATE: lesscpy has added support for 3.5 to their development branch but still waiting for this to make it's way into the official release on pypi. Soon...

  • jupyterthemes relies on lesscpy to compile the custom arguments supplied by the user into into the css body that eventually gets saved as custom.css in your jupyter config directory.

  • Unfortunately, lesscpy currently only supports up to Python 3.4. If you're running Python 3.5 you can still install and use jupyterthemes but you won't be able to modify the default settings (e.g., font, font-size, cell width, etc.). See Examples for 3.5 Users.

Command Line Usage

usage: jt [-h] [-l] [-t THEME] [-f MONOFONT] [-fs MONOSIZE] [-nf NBFONT]
          [-nfs NBFONTSIZE] [-tf TCFONT] [-tfs TCFONTSIZE] [-cw CELLWIDTH]
          [-lh LINEHEIGHT] [-alt] [-vim] [-T] [-N] [-r]
options arg default
Usage help -h --
List Themes -l --
Theme Name to Install -t --
Code Font -f source
Code Font-Size -fs 11
NB Font -nf opensans
NB Font Size -nfs 13
Txt and MD Font -tf ptserif
Txt and MD Fontsize -tfs 13
Cell Width -cw 980
Line Height -lh 170
Alt Txt/MD Layout -alt --
Style Vim NBExt -vim --
Toolbar Visible -T --
Name & Logo Visible -N --
Restore Default -r --


# list available themes
# oceans16 | grade3 | chesterish | onedork
jt -l

# select theme...
jt -t chesterish

# toggle toolbar ON and notebook name ON
jt -t grade3 -T -N

# set code font to 'Roboto Mono' 12pt
# (see monospace font table below)
jt -t oceans16 -f roboto -fs 12

# set code font to Fira Mono, 11.5pt
# 3digit font sizes converted into floats (115-->11.5pt)
jt -t grade3 -f fira -fs 115

# set notebook & text-cell fonts
# (see sans-serif & serif font tables below)
jt -t onedork -nf ptserif -tf droidsans

# adjust cell width and line-height
jt -t chesterish -cw 900 -lh 170

# choose alternate txt/markdown layout
jt -t grade3 -alt

# restore default theme
jt -r

Examples for Python 3.5 users:

# install a theme
jt -t grade3
# list theme
jt -l
# reset theme
jt -r

Monospace Fonts (codecells)

-f arg Monospace Font
anka Anka/Coder
anonymous Anonymous Pro
aurulent Aurulent Sans Mono
bitstream Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
bpmono BPmono
code Code New Roman
consolamono Consolamono
cousine Cousine
dejavu DejaVu Sans Mono
droidmono Droid Sans Mono
fira Fira Mono
firacode Fira Code
generic Generic Mono
hack Hack
inconsolata Inconsolata-g
liberation Liberation Mono
meslo Meslo
office Office Code Pro
oxygen Oxygen Mono
roboto Roboto Mono
saxmono saxMono
source Source Code Pro
sourcemed Source Code Pro Medium
ubuntu Ubuntu Mono

Sans-Serif Fonts

-nf/-tf arg Sans-Serif Font
opensans Open Sans
droidsans Droid Sans
latosans Lato
ptsans PT Sans
robotosans Roboto
sourcesans Source Sans Pro

Serif Fonts

-nf/-tf arg Serif Font
ptserif PT Serif
georgiaserif Georgia
crimsonserif Crimson Text
droidserif Droid Serif
ebserif EB Garamond
loraserif Lora
merriserif Merriweather