
A Javascript interop for console operations in Blazor framework

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A Javascript interop for console operations in Blazor framework

Temporary library till Blazor Supprts console operations directly: "The Mono team is working on a library that exposes standard browser APIs to .NET."


Package Manager

NuGet Pre Release


In your Startup.cs add the registration to ConfigureServices like so:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Then inject ILogger into your class or page, for example:

@using BlazorLogger
@inject ILogger Logger

The api follows the same syntax as javascript "console" found here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Console with some minor exceptions:

  • Non standard operations havent been ported (please let me know if you want to use any or submit a PR): dir, dirxml, profile, profileEnd, timeStamp
  • trace did not seem useful coming from the Blazor code

To see these operations in action, you may download the sample project or view online: Index.cshtml

Supported calls

  • Logger.Clear() - Clears the console
  • Logger.Count(label) - Counts the number of times a line has been reached
  • Logger.Error(params) - Writes an error to the console
  • Logger.Group(params) - Begins a group
  • Logger.GroupCollapsed(params) - Begins a collapsed group
  • Logger.GroupEnd() - Ends the last opened group
  • Logger.Info(params) - Writes an info level message to the console
  • Logger.Log(params) - Logs a message to the console
  • Logger.Table(object) - Displays a table on the console
  • Logger.Table(object, columns) - Displays some columns of an object in table format
  • Logger.Time(label) - Starts a timer
  • Logger.TimeEnd(label) - End a timer
  • Logger.Warn(params)


In the above API, params are used for Error, Info, Log, Warn, Group, and GroupCollapsed. Params are of type params object[] list so usage is similiar to how it used in JavaScript. For example, Logger.Log("My object %O and My Number: %d", myObject, myNumber);

For more examples please see the same project.

Table Object

For Logger.Table an object is passed containing the table output. Please see the api for console or the attached sample project for examples.

Styling Console Output

From the api docs:

You can use the %c directive to apply a CSS style to console output:

console.log("This is %cMy stylish message", "color: yellow; font-style: italic; background-color: blue;padding: 2px");