
Analyzes your Spotify listening data collected through IFTTTT and stored in Google Sheets

Primary LanguagePython

Spotify Data Analysis

Analyzes your Spotify listening data collected through IFTTTT and stored in Google Sheets

WARNING! I have no idea how to stop IFTTTT from logging all of my data into Google Sheets. If you don't want it to log your songs forever, continue at your own risk. (Mine has been logging songs for literal years with no end in sight)

Python Set Up

I run this in the terminal because I write code from the terminal like a madman. (I'm not sure how this would affect running through an IDE, etc.)

  1. Make sure you have Python installed
  2. Install pandas: run pip install pandas in the terminal. Extra information can be found here

Setting It Up

  1. You will need this IFTTTT applet and connect it to an account with Google Sheets
  2. Wait for your data to roll in as you listen to songs!
  3. Make sure the Google Sheet that is created is open for viewing for anyone with a link
  4. Copy the Google Sheet link from the browser (i.e. not the link that Sheets gives you to share, yes they are different!) insert it in line 6 of the code
  5. Run the code! (Feel free to change it accordingly, I usually run this at the end of each month to see my monthly round-up and other cool data facts)

This repository would not be possible without IFTTTT, Google Sheets, and wherever I got the convert_google_sheet_url() function.