
This project follows RL^2 and SNAIL paper and attempts to reproduce the results presented. trains a model, given the arguments:

  • num_workers (int): (Default: 1) This spawns specified amount of workers to perform parallel sampling (# of actors in PPO paper)
  • model_type (str): (Default: gru) This chooses either gru (from RL^2) or snail as the model to train
  • metalearn_epochs (int) (Default: 300) This is the number of iterations to train the model. After each iteration, a snapshot is taken for plotting the learning curve
  • task (str): (Default: mdp) This supports either mdp (tabular MDP) or bandit (multi-armed bandit)
  • learning_rate (float): (Default: 3e-4) This is the learning rate for the Adam optimizer
  • gamma (float): (Default: 0.99) This is the discount factor
  • num_actions (int): (Default: 5) This is the number of actions in the action space for the given task. This should only be tweaked for multi-armed bandit (unless new environment is provided)
  • num_tasks (int): (Default: 1000) This specifies the number of tasks to learn from
  • num_traj (int): (Default: 10) This specifies the number of trajectories to interact with given a task
  • traj_len (int): (Default: 1) This specifies the length of the trajectory to sample from
  • tau (float): (Default: 0.95) This is the GAE lambda parameter
  • mini_batch_size (int): (Default: 256) This is the minibatch size M from PPO paper. This needs to be less than or equal to batch_size
  • batch_size (int): (Default: 10000) This is the batch size T from the PPO paper. This essentially means we sample T actions before a PPO update
  • ppo_epochs (int): (Default: 5) This is the PPO epoch K.
  • clip_param (float): (Default: 0.1) This is the clipping factor epsilon from the PPO paper
  • vf_coef (float): (Default: 0.5) This is the value function loss coefficient for the loss function
  • ent_coef (float): (Default: 0.01) This is the entropy coefficient for the loss function
  • max_grad_norm (float): (Default: 0.9) This clips the gradient if its norm exceeds the maximum norm allowed
  • target_kl (float): (Default: 0.01) This is the mean KL that early stops the update if the KL divergence between old and new polcies is too high
  • out_file (str): This is the name of the model file to be output


You should be able to simply run pip install on the requirements.txt:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Sample Commands:

$ python --out_file --batch_size 100 --num_tasks 100 --mini_batch_size 20 --num_traj 50 --tau 0.3 --gamma 0.99 --ppo_epochs 7 --learning_rate 0.005 --clip_param 0.2
$ python --out_file --batch_size 100 --num_tasks 100 --mini_batch_size 20 --num_traj 50 --tau 0.3 --gamma 0.99 --ppo_epochs 7 --learning_rate 0.005 --clip_param 0.2 --num_actions 10
$ python --out_file --batch_size 100 --num_tasks 100 --mini_batch_size 20 --num_traj 50 --tau 0.3 --gamma 0.99 --ppo_epochs 7 --learning_rate 0.005 --clip_param 0.2 --model_type snail --metalearn_epochs 1500


