Ember Bench




Projects configurations. Start by copying config/projects.json.example to config/projects.json.

  • app: (required)
    • path: (required) absolute path to the local clone of your Ember app
    • build: (optional) command for building the app, defaults to ember build -prod
  • ember: (optional)
  • glimmer: (optional)
    • path: (required) absolute path to the local clone of Glimmer (https://github.com/tildeio/glimmer)
    • build: (optional) command for building Glimmer, defaults to ember build -prod


Experiments configurations. Start by copying config/projects.json.example to config/projects.json.

This file contains an array of experiments you would like to run.

Each experiment has the following keys:

  • name: (required) a name for this experiment
  • app: (required) a revision (SHA), tag, or branch name from your Ember app
  • ember: (optional) a revision (SHA), tag, or branch name from Ember
  • glimmer: (optional) a revision (SHA), tag or branch name from Glimmer. Only used if ember version is also provided.
  • features: (optional) Ember feature flag overrides
  • url: (optional) path to visit, defaults to /


Preloads data for your app. Start by copying config/preload.html.example to config/projects.html.

See the comments in the file for details.


The test script. Start by copying test.ts.example (in the root) to test.ts.

You shouldn't have to change much in here.