LibVLC on Android demo

This is a sample application demonstrating the use of libVLC on Android.

This repository contains only sample code, and the libVLC on Android sdk (vlc-sdk.7z) must be built and placed into the target application's source code directory.

Getting started


  • An up-to-date Linux distribution.
    • This is because VLC (and VLC for Android) uses autotools and make in order to be portable to so many diverse platforms.
    • VirtualBox is always an option if Linux is not available natively on the computer.
  • Android NDK r9
  • Android SDK
  • Any other pieces of software listed in the compile guide.

First build VLC for Android:

  1. Follow AndroidCompile and build VLC for Android.
  2. In the same build directory, run make .sdk
  3. Copy everything (libs and src) inside the vlc-sdk/ directory to the application source directory (the one containing AndroidManifest.xml).

Now, just build your application, in Eclipse, ant, or any other tool of your choice.


Having problems making some media play?

Use adb logcat to read the debug logs. This is analogous to Tools → Messages (verbosity 2) in desktop VLC.

In addition, try different configurations of hardware acceleration, chroma, and deblocking. Android devices vary greatly in their capabilities.