

Everything is a value We write code block that generally return a value

Val aCodeBlock = { Val aCodeValue = 67 aCodeLocal + 3 }

def myFunction(x: Int, y Int) : Int {

def factorial(n : int) : Int { if(n<=1) 1 Else n* factorial(n-1) }

// In scala we don’t use loops or iterations we mostly use recursions

//unit type = (no meaningful value = void)

// Types of SIDE EFFECTS

Def myUnitFunction():Unit = { println(“I don’t love unit function”) }

Val theUnit = ()

/***********************************************************/ Object Orientation

object ObjectOrientation extends App {

	class Animal  {
	val age = 0;
	def eat() = println(“I am eating”)

	class Dog(val name: String) extends Animal

	val aDog = new Dog(“Hatchi”)

	// Constructor Arguments are not fields have to put val before constructor argument

	//subType Polymorphism
	val animal:Animal = new Dog(“Hatchi”)

	class WalkAnimal extends Animal
	val walkAnimal:WalkAnimal 
	//abstract class
	abstract class WalkAnimal {
		val hasLegs = true;
		def walk(): Unit

	// Interfaces

	trait Carnivore  {
	def eat(animal:Animal):Unit


	//single class inheritance, multi trait mixing
	class Crocodlie extends Animal with Carnivore {
	override def eat(animal:Animal): Unit = println(“Elating with animal”)


	val dinousour = new Carnivore {
		override eat(animal:Animal):Unit = println(“I am dinosaur so I can eat almost anything”)

	object MySinglton {
		 val mySpecialVariable = 12345
		def mySpecialMethod():Int = 1234
		def apply(x:Int):Int = x+1

	object Animal { // Companions - Companion Object (Singlton)
	// Companion can access each other private/protected variables and methods
	val canLiveForever = false

	val canLive = Animal.canLiveForever

	**************************************** Case Class

	case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

	val person = Person(“Harry”, 39)



**************************** Pattern Matching (Swtich case of Java) ****************

val anInteger = 55
val result = anInteger match {
case 1 => "This is one"
case 2 => "This is two"
case 3 => "This is 3"
case _ => "This is $anInteger"

Deconstruct an Object while pattern match with case class decomposition

case class Person(name: String, age: Int) 

val harry = Person("Harry", 43) // Person.apply

val result = harry match {
	case Person(n, a) => "This is $n having age $a"
	case _ => "Not sure who this is?"


tuples deconstruction

val aTuple = ("Hi", "welcome")

val result = aTuple match {
case (a, b) => "Tuple Matched"
case _ => "Default one"

Decompose list for pattern match

val aList = List(1, 2, 3)

val result = aList match {
case List(_, 2, _) => "List having 2 object with 2 and second postion"
case _ => "Default one"

//If PM Does not match anything, it will throw error // case are executed in order of sequence

************************ADVANCE FEATURES

object Advanced extends App {

lazy val aLazyValue = 55

	lazy val aLazyWithSideEffects = {
	print("I am so lazy")
	val eagerResult = aLazyWithSideEffects + 1;

// Learn Option, Try, Future, Implicit
