
GitHub project (Project 3) repository for PDSND

Primary LanguagePython

Date created

  1. bikeshare.py: 20/08/2018
  2. README.md: 23/08/2018

Project Title

Python Script to Explore US Bikeshare Data


This Python script is written to explore data related to bike share systems for Chicago, New York City, and Washington. It imports data from csv files and compute descriptive statistics from the data. It also takes in users' raw input to create an interactive experience in the terminal to pre sent these statistics.

Files used

  1. chichago.csv
  2. new_york_city.csv
  3. washington.csv


The datasets used for this script contain bike share data. Some data wrangling has been performed by Udacity's staff before being provided to the students. The data files for all three cities contain the same six columns:

  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Trip Duration (in seconds)
  • Start Station
  • End Station
  • User Type (Subscriber or Customer)

The Chicago and New York City files also contain the following two columns:

  • Gender
  • Birth Year