
Requisites to reproduce migrations experiments presented on UCC'15 paper "Scheduling Live-Migrations for Fast, Adaptable and Energy Efficient Relocation Operations".

Primary LanguageJava

Reproducible migrations experiments

This repository aims to provide a basis for reproducible migrations experiments presented on UCC'15 conference paper "Scheduling Live-Migrations for Fast, Adaptable and Energy Efficient Relocation Operations".

List of experiments

Here is the structure of the Java src directory (JSON and CSV files are not shown):

└── test
    └── java
        └── org
            └── btrplace
                └── scheduler
                    └── ucc15
                        ├── capping
                        │   ├── mVM.java
                        ├── energy
                        │   ├── BtrPlace.java
                        │   ├── mVM.java
                        ├── random
                        │   └── Random.java
                        └── scale
                            ├── BtrPlace.java
                            └── mVM.java
  • Performance experiment presented on section V.B. is available in the random directory.
  • Energy experiment presented on section V.C.1) is available in the energy directory.
  • Power capping experiment presented on section V.C.2) is available in the capping directory.
  • Scalability experiment presented on section V.D. is available in the scale directory. As this experiment only consists to evaluate the scheduler computation time, there is nothing to execute/reproduce on a real infrastructure. However, you can execute the tests on your own machine to compare the results. For comparison, the results presented in the paper were executed on an Intel CPU i7-4600U @ 2.10Ghz.

You can either chose to use the provided JSON files to execute the experiments or to generate them by yourself using the corresponding java test classes (procedure described below).

Setup the environment

All the experiments have been executed on the Grid'5000 infrastructure (g5k), so you must have an account to be able to reproduce the experiments. We used both Griffon and Graphene clusters from the Nancy site (network/hardware).

Create a custom image for g5k nodes

Start from a g5k debian release, you can obtain the list of available images from cmdline kaenv3 -l, for example select: wheezy-x64-base. Then reserve a node and deploy the desired image on it, there is a great documentation for that on the Grid'5000 wiki.

Once deployed, edit the /etc/rc.local file and add the following code at the bottom (before exit 0):

# Load appropriate KVM kernel modules
modprobe kvm
[ $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Intel | wc -l) -gt 0 ] &&  modprobe kvm_intel || modprobe kvm_amd

# Load nbd driver for qemu utils
modprobe nbd max_part=4

# Launch a custom script and remove it once done
[ -f /etc/init_once ] &&  /etc/init_once && rm /etc/init_once

This will load the KVM kernel modules on boot and execute a custom script (/etc/init_once) on first boot.

The script /etc/init_once will configure the network and generate a uniq libvirt uuid on first boot, make sure the file is executable after creating it:


# Create a bridge br0 and attach eth0 to it
virsh iface-bridge eth0 br0
brctl stp br0 off # Disable spanning tree
brctl setfd br0 0 # Set the forwarding delay to 0

# Modify the routing
NEW_ROUTE=$(echo `ip route | head -1` | sed 's/eth0/br0/g')
ip route del `ip route | head -1`
ip route del `ip route | head -1`
ip route add $NEW_ROUTE

# Generate a random UUID to differenciate libvirt hosts
sed -i "s/#host_uuid = .*/host_uuid = \"`uuidgen`\"/g" /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
/etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart

exit 0

Then, install and setup qemu and libvirt. A patched version of qemu that allows to retrieve VMs' dirty pages informations is available here, simply follow the informations on the wiki page to see how it works.

Then, modify the libvirt daemon config file (/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf) and set the following options:

listen_tls = 0
listen_tcp = 1
listen_addr = ""
max_clients = 1000
max_queued_clients = 10000
min_workers = 10
max_workers = 100
max_requests = 100
max_client_requests = 50

This allows to make direct TCP connections for the migrations instead of SSH or TLS (slower), and to effectively manage concurrent migrations from one or multiple clients.

Then, make sure you have the following options set in the SSH client config file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config) to avoid any warnings due to connections on cloned servers having the same key:

HashKnownHosts no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
LogLevel quiet

Be sure you configured SSH access from your account, and that's all!

You can now save your new image using the tgz-g5k tool, for example:

tgz-g5k > /tmp/custom_image.tgz

Finally, register your new image by following the few steps described [here] (https://www.grid5000.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Deploy_environment-OAR2#Describe_the_newly_created_environment_for_deployments).

Note: All the modified configurations files and scripts described above are available here.

Create a custom VM image

The VM image that we used for all the experiments was an Ubuntu 14.10 desktop distribution. Feel free to create your own in a RAW img file, you only need to install the stress tool to be able to simulate memory intensive workloads.

Also, make sure that no memory intensive application run on start-up, as they can cause longer migration durations. The overall VM configuration (network, ssh, ...) will be done automatically by the given deployment scripts.

Deploy the environment

Reserve nodes

For all the experiments you'll need to reserve nodes and some private network adresses, a /22 is fine, for example:

oarsub -l slash_22=1+{"cluster='griffon'"}nodes=12,walltime=2:0:0 -t deploy /path/to/sleeping-script

Generally the script /path/to/sleeping-script contains an infinite sleeping loop that allows you to keep your reservation alive throughout the whole reservation duration.

Retrieve deployments scripts

You need to retrieve the deployments scripts located in the local utils/scripts-g5k subfolder.

Alternatively, you can retrieve them from the original repository like this:

git clone -b ucc-15 --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/vincent-k/scripts-g5k.git
cd scripts-g5k

Note: For the remaining steps, we consider that scripts-g5k is your working directory.

Deploy the custom image on nodes

Retrieve the list of reserved nodes, and deploy your image:

oarprint host > files/nodes
kadeploy3 -e <custom_image> -f files/nodes  -o files/nodes_ok

Setup your environment

Then, edit the config file, here are the options you have to care about:

  • VM_VPU
  • VM_MEM

Define a controller node, an NFS node, hosting and idle nodes by adding servers hostname to the appropriate files, for example:

# Define controler node, NFS server node, hosting and idle nodes
head -1 files/nodes_ok > files/ctl_node
head -2 | tail -1 files/nodes_ok > files/nfs_srv
tail -n+3 | head -5 files/nodes_ok > files/hosting_nodes
tail -n+8 files/nodes_ok > files/idle_nodes

In this example, the first node will be the controler, the second one the NFS server and the next 5 nodes will host the VMs.

Then populate the other files, it simply consists to create a global list of active nodes (hosting + idle) and to retrieve the list of reserved ip<->mac addresses. It can be done like this:

# Populate the global list of 'active' nodes and the list of reserved ips<->macs addresses
cat files/hosting_nodes files/idle_nodes > files/nodes_list
g5k-subnets -im > files/ips_macs

# Also ensure these two files are empty
echo -n > files/ips_names
echo -n > files/vms_ips


The following script will take care about everything:

/bin/bash configure_envionment.sh

The deployment is realized in two consecutives phases:

  1. Configure all nodes (Infiniband, NFS share, BMC, ..).
  2. Start all VMs on hosting nodes and wait until they are booted.

Prepare the experiment

Get the BtrPlace plan executor for g5k


  • JDK 8+
  • maven 3+

First, retrieve and compile the UCC'15 version of the BtrPlace scheduler:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/btrplace/scheduler-UCC-15.git
cd scheduler-UCC-15
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
cd ../

Then, retrieve the UCC'15 version of the g5k executor from this repository and compile it:

git clone -b ucc-15 --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/btrplace/g5k-executor.git
cd g5k-executor
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package

A distribution tarball is generated into the target folder, you can now extract and start to use the executor. For example execute it as is to show the cmdline options:

cd target
tar xzf g5k-1.0-SNAPSHOT-distribution.tar.gz
cd g5k-1.0-SNAPSHOT/

The output should be:

Option "-i (--input-json)" is required
g5kExecutor [-d scripts_dir] (-mvm|-buddies -p <x>) -i <json_file> -o <output_file>
 -buddies (--memory-buddies-scheduler) : Select the scheduler of Memory buddies
 -d (--scripts-dir) VAL                : Scripts location relative directory
 -i (--input-json) VAL                 : The json reconfiguration plan to read
                                         (can be a .gz)
 -mvm (--mvm-scheduler)                : Select the scheduler of mVM (default
 -o (--output-csv) VAL                 : Print actions durations to this file

Get or generate the desired JSON files

Each JSON file describes a full reconfiguration plan of a particular scenario generated by the BtrPlace scheduler, they can be directly retrieved here.

Alternatively, you can regenerate them from the current git repository, just do the following:

# Generate all experiments JSON files
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/btrplace/migrations-UCC-15.git
cd migrations-UCC-15
mvn compiler:testCompile surefire:test

This will replace all the provided JSON files for Performance, Energy, and Power capping experiments.

Note: To execute Scalability experiments, we recommend to use at least 2 GiB RAM for JVM memory allocation pool. Here is how to execute BtrPlace and mVM scale tests separately:

# BtrPlace scale experiment:
MAVEN_OPTS="-server -Xmx2G -Xms2G" mvn "-Dtest=**/scale/BtrPlace.java" compiler:testCompile surefire:test

# mVM scale experiment:
MAVEN_OPTS="-server -Xmx2G -Xms2G" mvn "-Dtest=**/scale/mVM.java" compiler:testCompile surefire:test

Prepare the VMs

As the intial placement may not correspond to the experiment setup, be sure to migrate each VM to its desired hosting node. You can use the migrate.sh script from g5-executor, for example:

./g5k-1.0-SNAPSHOT/scripts/migrate.sh vm-1 griffon-1 griffon-2 1000 "-- live --verbose"

This will migrate vm1 from griffon-1 to griffon-2 in live at 1 Gbit/sec with a real time progression overview.

Then, make each VM consume the desired amount of memory and, if needed, execute a workload on appropriate VMs.

A simple solution consists to set the memory allocated to the VM at the desired value and then make it consume its full amount of memory by using the stress cmd.

For example, to allocate a maximum of 4 GiB of memory to the VM vm-1:

virsh -c <hosting_node> setmem vm-1 4G

Obviously, this amount need to be lower or equal to the memory allocated to the VM at its creation (variable VM_MEM in the deployment config file).

Then you can use stress to consume some memory. To verify how much memory consume a VM use:

virsh -c <hosting_node> dommemstat vm-1

The corresponding field is rss (Resident Set Size). It represents, in KiB, how much memory is allocated to the VM and is actually in RAM.

Then launch the workload on appropriate VMs as described in the paper, for example:

stress --vm 1000 --bytes 50K

This command will run 1000 concurrent threads that will continuously allocate and free up 50 KiB of memory each.

Final preparations

The g5k-1.0-SNAPSHOT/scripts/translate file must be filled to translate VMs and g5k nodes names into the BtrPlace VMs and nodes names, it should look like this:

vm-1    vm#0
vm-2    vm#1
griffon-60  node#0
griffon-61  node#1

Each entry must contains first the real node/VM name and then the corresponding BtrPlace name separated by a tabulation. The BtrPlace numbering is defined incrementally according to the node/VM creation order (see the corresponding Java test classes to verify the order).

If necessary, start the traffic shaping on desired nodes by executing the script traffic_shaping.sh located in the sub-directory utils/. The default parameters will limit the bandwidth to 500 Mbit/sec which corresponds to the traffic shaping applied in the Performance experiment.

Start the execution

Each experiment must be started from the controler node, here are some usage examples:


./g5kExecutor --mvm-scheduler --input-json <JSON_FILE> --output-csv <OUTPUT_CSV>


./g5kExecutor --memory-buddies-scheduler --parallelism 2 --fixed-order -i <JSON_FILE> -o <OUTPUT_CSV>


./g5kExecutor -buddies -p 3 -f -i <JSON_FILE> -o <OUTPUT_CSV>

The <OUTPUT_CSV> file contains 3 fields: ACTION;START;END where ACTION corresponds the BtrPlace String representation of the action, START and END correspond respectively to the start and end time of the action in the form of timestamps.