
Contacts app for test

Primary LanguageCSS


Welcome to Contacts App

Key objectives

  • Build a app that resembles Mac contacts

What does it do

  • Allow user to login to a web app
  • Allow user to search contacts with fast response with Ajax and Elastic Search
  • Import Google Contacts, This has been done but load interface not open to user, note 2 days of dev/test/documentation time spent

Design Considerations

  • Data Model design [Mysql]
  • Data import mechanism from google contacts [Python scripts]
  • Data Search backend [Elastic Search]
  • API [Java Spring]
  • Web App [Django Ajax]
  • Clean Up
  • Upload to Git

Can I install and use it myself

  • Please follow the instructions below

What has not been implemented

  • Security
  • Export data, edit data
  • Edit contacts

Installation instructions

###Lets Create a Virtual Env to intall our code###

    pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
    vitural env contactsApp
    cd contactsApp
    source bin/activate

###Lets Install LAMP, Django and other Dependencies###

    sudo apachectl start
    brew install mysql
    pip install MySQL-python
    pip install mod_wsgi
    sudo pip install Django django-sslserver   django-registration djangorestframework MySQL-python requests python-magic

###Get the code from Git###

git clone https://github.com/chandanmaruthi/contactsApp.git

Create a data base

    mysql -u root -p
    <enter password>
    create database <enter database name>;

load data into database

    mysql -h localhost -u root -p <enter database name> < loadSQLScripts.sql 

Update the app setting file to read from our new database

    sudo nano curious/curiousWorkbench/appSettings.json

find current working directory

<prints the present working directory >

Copy the parent directory that contains the curious folder

Change the following values of appsettings at curious/curiousWorkbench/appSettings.json

    "dbHost" : "localhost" ,
    "dbUser" : "root"    ,
    "dbPassword" : "<update with your db password>",
    "dbName" : "<enter database name>"
    "basePath":"<update the output form pwd statement>/curious",

Install the war file in apache tomcat

    cp contacts-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war <inter web apps folder location  of your tomcap installation>

Test the api


you must see a json output from the api

Create a logs directory under contactsApp folder

mkdir curious/curiousWorkbench/logs

Lets Test the app, Visit this url [when ]

    python manage.py runserver  
System check identified 4 issues (0 silenced).
August 05, 2017 - 16:20:54
Django version 1.9, using settings 'curious.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Lets test the app

Login alt text

Landing Page alt text

Contacts - Click on "All Icloud" alt text