
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Client side grid control in JavaScript using pipe and filter patterns. Our data starts its journey at a data-source (OData, Memory, Mock) and travels through multiple filters before it makes it to the grid renderer. Those filters are called 'projections'.


npm install --save projection-grid



require(['projection-grid'], function (pgrid) {
  var gridView = pgrid.factory().create({
    el: '.some-css-selector',
    dataSource: {
      type: 'js-data',
      resource: someJSDataResource,
    columns: [
      { name: 'Foo' },
      { name: 'Bar', template: someTemplate },


As CommonJS

var pgrid = require('projection-grid');

var gridView = pgrid.factory().create({
  el: '.some-css-selector',
  dataSource: {
    type: 'js-data',
    resource: someJSDataResource,
  columns: [
    { name: 'Foo' },
    { name: 'Bar', template: someTemplate },


Play with the demos

git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/projection-grid
cd projection-grid
npm install
gulp demos

A demo server will start at http://localhost:8080/demos/, each sub-folders of demos would be a standalone demo page.

The standard usage is demoed at http://localhost:8080/demos/factory

The source code is demos/factory/index.js.


The configuration object passed to factory.create(...).


The root element of the grid. It should be a CSS selector.


Data source of the grid. Tells grid where to get the row data.


The type of the data source. Available values are

  • 'js-data', the JSData data source
  • 'memory', the memory data source

The default value is 'memory'.


An option of 'memory' data source which should be an array of row data, or a Backbone.Collection.


An option of 'js-data' data source which is a JSData Resource.


An optional JSON schema object specifying the schema of the row data.


The grid layout. Available values are

  • 'table', the table layout
  • 'flex', the flex layout

The default value is 'table'.


An array of grid column configuration objects.


The name of the column. By default, it's also the title showing in the column header, the field of the cell data.


The title showing in the column header. It overrides the columns[].name.


The field of the cell data. It overrides the columns[].name. In case you row data is in form of

  "companyName": "Microsoft Corporation",
  "address": {
    "country": "USA",
    "state": "WA",
    "city": "Redmond",
    "street": "One Microsoft Way",
    "zip": "98053"
  • To reference the company name, the field should be companyName.
  • To reference the zip code, the field should be address/zip.


A function to calculate the cell value from the row data. It's used in complex scenarios when the cell value is not a field of the row data. For example,

// A column of combined address information
  name: 'address',
  value: function (rowData) {
    return [
    ].join(', ');


A template function to generate the HTML in cells.


A template function to generate the HTML in column header.


A Backbone view class to render the data cells. It will be instantiated with { model: dataOfTheRow }. Within the view, you can access the row data with this.model.


A Backbone view class to render the header cell.


User defined attributes attached to the cells (TD).


User defined attributes attached to the column header (TH).


A boolean value specifies whether or not the column is locked. Locked columns are always visible when column shifter is on.


A boolean value specifies whether or not the column is hide.


A boolean value specifies whether the column is sortable by clicking the header.


A boolean value specifies whether the cell data is editable with a pop up editor.


A string value. The row will be splitted into several groups by this value.


Define the pagination behavior.


The default page size.


An array of available page sizes.


Boolean or string value. Available values are

  • false, no selection support
  • true, multiple selection, show a checkbox column to the left
  • 'single', single selection, show a radio button column to the left


Scroll behavior configurations.


A boolean value telling whether or not the virtualization is turned on.


Fixed header configuration. If it's a truthy value, the grid header will stick to a container when scrolled out of it. The default container is the browser window.


A CSS selector specifying the container element the header sticks to.


Column shifter configurations. Column shifter limit the number of visible columns, and provide a pair of control button to shift the columns.


The number of visible columns.


Configurations of aggregation rows


A function returning an array of aggregation row data for the rows showing on top of the grid.


A function returning an array of aggregation row data for the rows showing at the bottom of the grid.

Create accessory views with plugins

The factory.create(...) method not only create the grid view, it can also create accessory views, like pager, and hook them up. The factory plugins are designed to handle this.

Using a plugin

In case we have a pagerView defined in pager-view-plugin.js (Refer to the factory demo). The code using it should be something like

var pgrid = require('projection-grid');
// load the plugin
var pagerViewPlugin = require('./pager-view-plugin');

var grid = pgrid.factory()
  // use the plugin
    // the grid configurations

var gridView = grid.gridView;
// get the view
var pagerView = grid.pagerView;


It would be even simpler with ES2015.

import pgrid from 'projection-grid';
import pagerViewPlugin from './pager-view-plugin';

const { gridView, pagerView } = pgrid.factory()
    /// the grid configurations


The object returned from factory.create(...) is a map, from plugin name to it's product. Technically, the gridView is the product of a builtin plugin called 'gridView'.

Developing a plugin

To develop a grid factory plugin, you need to understand the projection grid internal concepts like projections, renderers, layouts etc.

A grid factory plugin is a function in form of

function (definePlugin) {
  definePlugin('pluginName', [
    // name of dependent plugins
  ], function (/* product of dependent plugins */) {

    // create and return the product


The definePlugin is a function similar to the define of AMD. It's defined by the factory, having the factory context.

For example, the pager plugin is defined like this.

import _ from 'underscore';
import { PaginationView } from 'pagination-control';

export default definePlugin => definePlugin('pagerView', [
  // builtin plugin, returning the configuration object
  // builtin plugin, the chained projections of the grid
  // builtin plugin, the final grid view
], function (config, projection, gridView) {

  // create the pager view
  const pagerView = new PaginationView(_.defaults({
    pageSize: config.pageable.pageSize,
    availablePageSizes: config.pageable.pageSizes,
  }, config.pagerView));

  // hook up the pager view with the grid and the projection chain
  gridView.on('change:data', function (model) {
    pagerView.itemCount = model.get('count');

  pagerView.on('change:page-size', function (pageSize) {
    projection.set('page.size', pageSize);

  pagerView.on('change:page-number', function (pageNumber) {
    projection.set('page.number', pageNumber);

  // return the pager view
  return pagerView;

Developer instructions

  1. Create your own fork of the project
  2. Clone your own fork of the project to local
git clone https://github.com/your-github-user-name/projection-grid
  1. Install dependencies
cd projection-grid
npm install
  1. Launch demo server which watch and build your changes automatically
gulp demos
  1. Make changes with your favorite editor
  2. Add unit test cases under spec
  3. If necessary, add your own demo page under demos
  4. Add selenium test cases under demos/your-demo-page/spec
  5. Test your changes with
gulp test
  1. Commit your local changes and push to GitHub
git add .
git commit
git push
  1. Send pull request on GitHub and review it with the management team