
Primary LanguageJavaScript


NEWS - API is a NodeJS server which generates the news based on the endpoints.


  • It is a simple ExpressJs server app , which is used to fetch the news by integrating newsapi and hosted on heroku platform for live purpose.

🛠 Technolgies / Frameworks

NodeJs , ExpressJs , javascript

API Reference

1 . Fetches top trending news in INDIA

  GET /trending
This /trending will fetches the all trending news in INDIA from various sources and domains

2 . Fetches the news list of various types

  GET /types
This /types route will fetches the latest news based on the user defined type . Required type of news to fetch.
Possible Options for types :-
1 . business
2 . entertainment
3 . technology
4 . general
5 . health
6 . science
7 . sports
Eg : /types=business

3 . Fetches the news based on the search filter

  GET /search?
This /search route will fetches the news in INDIA from different sources by applying various search filters on it .
Possible Filters for search :-
type : Keywords or phrases to search for in the article title and body.
from : A date and optional time for the oldest article allowed. This should be in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2022-09-30 or 2022-09-30T11:01:19)
to : A date and optional time for the newest article allowed. This should be in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2022-09-30 or 2022-09-30T11:01:19)
language : The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. Possible options: ar de en es fr he it nl no pt ru sv ud zh.
sortby : relevancy = articles more closely related to q come first , popularity = articles from popular sources and publishers come first , publishedAt = newest articles come first.
Eg : /search?type=virat+kohli&from=2022-09-20&to=2022-09-30&sortby=popularity&language=en

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to the project folder

PORT - PORT number to run the server

API - create your own API key to get the News from https://newsapi.org/

Deployed Link

Project is deployed on heroku

**Link :- ** https://apifornews.herokuapp.com/

🔗 Links

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