Modern bindings to Oracle odpic C library.
- See here for a list of all structs and functions used in this library.
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Main where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Oracle.Simple
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let stmt = "select count(*), sysdate, 'ignore next column', 125.24, 3.14 from dual"
conn <- createConn (ConnectionParams "username" "password" "localhost/XEPDB1")
rows <- query @ReturnedRow conn stmt
print rows
-- [ ReturnedRow { count = RowCount {getRowCount = 1.0}
-- , sysdate = DPITimeStamp {year = 2023, month = 9, day = 15, hour = 2, minute = 10, second = 50, fsecond = 0, tzHourOffset = 0, tzMinuteOffset = 0}
-- , hint = "ignore next column"
-- , amount = 125.24000000000001
-- , piValue = 3.14
-- }
-- ]
newtype RowCount = RowCount { getRowCount :: Double }
deriving (Show)
instance FromField RowCount where
fromField = RowCount <$> fromField
data ReturnedRow = ReturnedRow
{ count :: RowCount
, sysdate :: DPITimeStamp
, hint :: Text
, amount :: Double
, piValue :: Double
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass FromRow
-- instance FromRow ReturnedRow where
-- fromRow = do
-- count <- field
-- sysdate <- field
-- amount <- field
-- pure ReturnedRow{..}
$ nix-build
$ nix-shell --run 'cabal build'
$ docker-compose up -d
$ nix-build && ./result/bin/example
First install odpi
(e.g. on MacOS):
brew install odpi
This should suffice to permit you to build:
$ stack build
You'll need a runtime dependency: goto and follow the instant client installation instructions.
Then link a dynamic lib from the instant client to a location on your host where it can be found:
ln -s ~/Downloads/instantclient_19_8/libclntsh.dylib /usr/local/lib/
Run docker-compose up and tests as so:
docker-compose up -d
stack run tests