Joshua Network Rail Data Feeds (TD Connection)

This is my current project: Network Rail Open Data Connection Feed.

It is written in Java and is currently set to receive the TD (C Class & S Class) Messages from the Network Rail ActiveMQ Servers. As I am in the process of writing the decoding scripts it is currently only processing Area_id: SS (Merseyrail) as this is a network that I know the most about (And have alot of data from various sources)

I will be working on this alot over the next couple of weeks so expect a lot of Commits from me.

At the moment I ask you not to use this Git for your own use due to the harsh coding that currently lurks within that isn't 100% stable.

This is for the safety of your own machines as I will not be hold responsible for any damage caused by use of my code.

This project/code is owned and written by: Joshua Nathan Pope-Lewis

With contributions and support by: Chandler Pope-Lewis

Please feel free to contact me on { } in regards to anything involving the NROD or this script.

Thanks, Joshua