
wordle solver, as both a CLI util and automated via puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOpen Software License 3.0OSL-3.0

A wordle solver.

Interactive version

Most useful for authoring & debugging the algorithm. You can hard code an answer in unwordle_manual.js:15, or uncomment lines 11-13 & comment out lines 15-20 to make the script prompt for the result of a guess. The format for the response is [number, number, number, number, number] | null, where 0 represents the letter is absent, 1 means the letter exists but in a different location, and 2 indicates right letter right place; null indicates the guessed word is not in the wordle dictionary and a new guess should be made.

Hard coded

Given a hard coded answer of prize:

$ node unwordle_manual.js
There are 5757 possible words, guessing arose
There are 27 possible words, guessing tripe
There are 4 possible words, guessing prime
There are 3 possible words, guessing price
There are 2 possible words, guessing pride
There are 1 possible words, guessing prize

Found prize in 6 tries 🤗


By switching to the interactive version we can pick a word and make the script guess. Sticking with prize from the previous run:

$ node unwordle_manual.js
There are 5757 possible words, guessing arose
Guess is arose , please enter its score array:[0,2,0,0,2]
There are 27 possible words, guessing tripe
Guess is tripe , please enter its score array:[0,2,2,1,2]
There are 4 possible words, guessing prime
Guess is prime , please enter its score array:[2,2,2,0,2]
There are 3 possible words, guessing price
Guess is price , please enter its score array:[2,2,2,0,2]
There are 2 possible words, guessing pride
Guess is pride , please enter its score array:[2,2,2,0,2]
There are 1 possible words, guessing prize
Guess is prize , please enter its score array:[2,2,2,2,2]

Found prize in 6 tries 🤗


To test how changes to algorithm & heuristic affects the results, node histogram runs the solver against the entire word list and creates a histogram of how many guesses it takes to find that word.

Currently it looks like this, with 92.84% of words found within 6 guesses.

 1  0.017%
 2 â–’â–’ 2.5%
 3 â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’ 24%
 4 â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’ 38%
 5 â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’ 19%
 6 â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’â–’ 8.4%
 7 â–’â–’â–’ 3.7%
 8 â–’ 1.8%
 9  0.83%
10  0.38%
11  0.10%
12  0.035%


Uses puppeteer to load and solve the daily wordle

  • use npm or yarn to install dependencies
  • run node unwordle to launch puppeteer and watch the daily wordle be solved
  • recordings are saved to ./recordings


5wordlist.txt is from https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/sgb-words.txt