Website -> Summary -> Image

This is a simple project that takes a website, summarizes it, and then creates an image of the summary. The image is created using runway's stable diffusion 1.5 and the summary is created using the jac_nlp's cl_summer module.

How to use

add the follwing environment variables to environment

export HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY=<your_huggingface_api_key>

Install necessary packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create jaseci-server instance

jsserv runserver 5001

Run JSCTL and run the following commands

jsctl -m
jaseci> jac build main.jac
jaseci> login http://localhost:5001 # Input email and password, keep the token
jaseci> actions load local jac/
jaseci> actions load module jac_nlp.cl_summer
jaseci> sentinel register main.jir -set_active true -mode ir

Set the Jaseci Token in another terminal

export JASECI_TOKEN=<your_jaseci_token>

Run the streamlit frontend

streamlit run