
Its an replica of The google keep without the Database functionality (will be added soon).


  • Fork clone the repo or download the Zip files and unzip it .
  • make sure to keep everything in a single folder.
  • open your terminal in that particular folder or cd over to the folder.
  • then run
npm install
  • It will take few mins to download and install all required modules and dependency.
  • After successful installation, then run
npm start
  • your default browser will pop up and the app will start running at localhost:3000.

Procedure for viewing in multiple device

  • You can only run the app if only the server is running in your localhost ie in your PC
  • Make sure your devices are connected to a same network ie the network your Pc is connected to.
  • Then open up your browser and type

Closing the app

  • In pc open your terminal where the app was previously running
press ctrl+c

if asked press Y and enter

  • For mobile simple close the tab

Note : This app is underdevelopment.

  • Not responsive
  • No proper Ui styling
  • Not suitable for deployment

Next Version will be rolling soon