
:sparkles: :zap: :sunny: Nodejs application with a client which connects to wit.ai server and displays response in web client.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

node_wit_client ⚡

☀️ Nodejs application with a client which connects to wit.ai server and displays response in web client.

Dependency Status

Usage & Deploying in Heroku ⚡

Install node.js
Install heroku toolbelt (for windows)
git clone https://github.com/{forked}/node_wit_client.git
Open Node.js command prompt...
$ cd node_wit_client/
$ git init
$ npm install
After completing installation of required dependencies/modules.
$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: adam@example.com
Password (typing will be hidden):
Authentication successful.
Go to the application location
$ heroku git:remote -a appName (while creting app first time, else fallow below steps)
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "your comment"
$ git push heroku master

Running Application ⚡

Run npm start Or node index.js from node command prompt in the folder node_wit_client/.
If nodejs is < 6.x version then run with command node --harmony_destructuring --use_strict index.js.

Open the browser and give the url http://localhost:port/botTest.html, then we should be able to see the screen with user says and bot says text areas.

Task List ⚡

  • Client to communicate with node.js services.
  • Support formatted json request
  • Support formatted json response
  • Get entities/intent from the wit.ai and show it in response.
  • Show ajax request loading spinner and disable send message button.
  • Integrate with fb messenger.
  • Integrate with AWS Lmbada services.
  • Session/transaction management.
  • Custom functions should be able to invoke from wit.ai or shold be able to invoke based on entities/context.