
Simple Schdule based task management backend application with REST, and features of GraphQL and SQLAlchemy functionalities. Takes care or all the SAST and DAST testing and authentication, authorization. Celery based backend jobs also included.

Primary LanguagePython

Setting Up .env

To run this application, follow these steps:

  1. Create a .env File:

    Create a file named .env in the root directory of your project.

  2. Insert the Following Credentials:

    Open the .env file and insert the following lines, replacing the placeholders with your actual credentials:

    # .env

    Adjust these values based on your specific database and application configuration.

  3. Save and Close the File:

    Save the changes to the .env file and close it.

Database Migrations

Below are the common commands used for managing database migrations in a Flask application using Flask-Migrate and Flask-Script.

  1. Initialize the Migration Repository:

    python manage.py db init

    This command initializes a new migration repository. Run this command only once when setting up your project.

  2. Generate a Migration:

    python manage.py db migrate -m "Your migration message"

    This command generates a new migration based on changes in your models. Run this command every time you make changes to your database models.

  3. Apply Migrations:

    python manage.py db upgrade

    This command applies any pending migrations to the database.

  4. Downgrade a Migration:

    python manage.py db downgrade

    This command rolls back the last applied migration. Use it with caution, especially in production environments.

  5. Show the List of Migrations:

    python manage.py db history

    This command displays a list of migrations and their statuses.

  6. Show the Current Revision:

    python manage.py db current

    This command shows the current revision of the database.