
contents for druchan.com website

Primary LanguageElm


Repo to host source and compiled files of the website.

  • Requirements
  • Setup/installation
  • Dev workflow
  • Deploy workflow


  • Node (any latest)
  • Elm (> v0.19)
  • Firebase CLI (for deployments)


  • Clone the repo.
  • Run yarn setup. Will install dependencies.

Dev workflow

  • Start the watcher
  • Start the local server
  • Modify files

Start the watcher

In one terminal window:

~ yarn watch

Start the local server

In another terminal window:

~ yarn serve

Modify files

Whenever you modify these files, the app will be recompiled. Hard-refresh the browser to see the changes.

- src/* # all files in src folder
- public/index.html

Deploy workflow

  • Build the app
  • Deploy using firebase CLI

Build the app

~ yarn build

Deploy using firebase CLI

This steps assumes:

  • you have firebase CLI installed. (npm i -g firebase-tools should do the trick)
  • you are logged in to firebase CLI (firebase login should do the trick)
  • you have set firebase to use the project (firebase use druchan-website should do the trick)
~ firebase deploy

Configurations in firebase.json and .firebaserc will take care of pushing the right folder/files to the right destination.