Our story is set in the planet of Lengaburu......in the distant, distant galaxy of Tara B. And our protagonists are King Shan, Queen Anga & their family.
King Shan is the emperor of Lengaburu and has been ruling the planet for the last 350 years (they have long lives in Lengaburu, you see!).
Write code to model out the King Shan family tree so that:
• Given a ‘name’ and a ‘relationship’, you should output the people corresponding to the relationship in the order in which they were added to the family tree.
• You should be able to add a child to any family in the tree through the mother.
• Name of the family member is unique
• Family members are added from left to right
Prerequisites: Install Go 1.11 or later
To build the application: make build
To run tests: make test
To run application: make file_path=<location_of_file> run